Search data 17journalism

Search for "data 17journalism" returned 48 matches

Trust in Media 2016 - Reports

A report by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), explores European citizens’ perception of the trustworthiness of several types of media

Media quality, media trust: a comparative perspective - Reports

Trust in the media is important not only for news organizations but also for society at large. Data collected by FÖG in the German language report “Qualität der Medien. Medienvertrauen – eine vergleichende Perspektive” shows the factors shaping media trust

Captured News Media: The Case of Turkey - Reports

The research commissioned by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) is a case study of the media capture phenomenon in Turkey. It gives a historical overview of how the phenomenon has unfolded, which strategies political elites have employed to capture the media, and the overall results and effects on society

A needs assessment of the Media Councils in South East Europe - Reports

This report commissioned by UNESCO and funded by the EU is the first comprehensive regional study on journalism's self-regulatory bodies aims to strengthen their functioning and the overall media accountability in South East Europe

Building a safety net for European journalists - Reports

Needs and problems experienced by journalists in 11 European countries are the focus of these report curated by Eugenia Siapera 

Reporting Atrocities: A Toolbox For Journalists Covering Violent Conflict and Atrocities - Manuals

A toolbox for journalists covering extremely violent conflicts in other countries, but especially in their own communities

Mapping Digital Media: Slovakia - Reports

A report by the Open Society Foundation examines how digital changes affect the media system of Slovakia

Professional journalism and self-regulation. New media, old dilemmas in South East Europe and Turkey - Reports

This UNESCO report provides an important insight into the evolution, current status and challenges of the effective implementation of media self-regulation systems in South East Europe and Turkey