Search data 17journalism

Search for "data 17journalism" returned 45 matches

ECJ: Commission has to enable access to written submissions - Legal Resources

The European Commission refused a German Pirate Party deputy access to Austria-related written submissions. After the party deputy filed a lawsuit, the European Court of Justice decided in his favor, in accordance with a decree overseeing access to EU government documents

German Press Council deals with coverage of refugee crisis and footage of murder - Legal Resources

Dealing with complaints about the coverage of the refugee crisis, the German Press Council legitimizes the use of emotional pictures if they serve the public interest by showing the result of war and the risky business with smuggling gangs

Press freedom in the EU: Legal framework and challenges - Legal Resources

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides with this short briefing, an effective contextualization of the legal framework and the challenges for Press freedom in the EU

Romania: Investigative journalism law rejected by the Senate - Legal Resources

The Romanian Senate rejected the draft of a law that legislators say intended to fight corruption by rewarding investigative journalists and other whistleblowers. The proposed law called for a special fund that would support people who reported on corruption via the mass media or via complaints to investigating and prosecuting bodies

Resolution on the Ethics of Journalism (CoE) - Legal Resources

A 1993 Resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe exploring different aspects of the ethics of journalism