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Russian Union of Journalists - Support Centres

The Russian Union of Journalists (Союз журналистов России) is the union representing journalists and other media workers across Russia. The Russian Union of Journalists, which is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists, runs a defence hotline to support members who are attacked for doing their jobs. Contacts to get in touch with the union: and +7 (495) 637-51-01

Mass Media Defence Centre - Stakeholders

The Mass Media Defence Centre is an NGO working in the field of media rights protection and the promotion of freedom of expression standards in Russia. Its primary purpose is to protect the rights of media outlets and provides practical support for journalists.

The MMDC is part of the Media Legal Defence Initiative network. The MMDC Director Galina Arapova is a member of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). 

Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans - Stakeholders

The Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans is a network of journalists' associations and media trade unions established in January 2016. The Platform has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and functions as an early warning and prevention mechanism, monitoring attacks against journalists. It provides an accessible way to report violations and to search through six regional centers' databases of attacks.

Participating organizations are: BH Novinari for Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatian Association of Journalists (HND) for Croatia, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, NUNS for Serbia and ZNM for Macedonia. 

Media, Conflict and Democratisation (MeCoDEM) - Stakeholders

The project ‘Media, Conflict and Democratisation ’ investigates the role of traditional media and ICTs in conflicts that accompany and follow transitions from authoritarian rule to more democratic forms of government.

The project si funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme until 2017, and it is coordinated by the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds.

The project will investigate the interplay between media and democratisation conflicts in four countries: Serbia, Egypt, Kenya and South Africa.

ECPMF Alarm Centre for Female Journalists under Threat - Support Centres

On 8 March 2016, the ECPMF has created a special Women’s Reporting Point to address and raise awareness on increasing threats against female journalists.

Threats can be reported via encrypted messaging. The secure emails will only be opened by female staff at ECPMF headquarters and their contents will remain confidential. To provide appropriate legal assistance and solidarity to female journalists or media workers who report their cases, ECPMF is partnering with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its Italian branch FNSI.

The rationale of this support measure stems from the consideration that female journalists are not only attacked because of their profession, they are also threatened because they are women, as pointed out also by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. Gender-based threats, such as sexual and abusive comments, threats of rape or publishing pictures and phone numbers on sex and dating websites target women more often than men.  

ECPMF encourages all women to report attacks in order to seek help, but also to make the dimension of attacks against journalists visible: the reported cases will be collected in a database – with details of the woman’s identity removed in order to protect her – as basis of an analysis to show the scale of the problem across Europe.

Carta di Roma - Stakeholders

The Association Carta di Roma  has been founded in December 2011 in Italy with the goal of implementing the Journalist’s Code of Conduct on immigration, signed by the National Council of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) in June 2008.

Carta di Roma seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues: journalists, media operators, as well as various institutions, associations and activists involved in promoting and supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, minorities and migrants in the field of media reporting.

The Association's main activities aim to promote respect and guarantee of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or minorities, and consist of training activities for media operators; research and monitoring; organisation of discussions and seminars; initiatives and public events aimed to encourage the correct and responsible reporting about immigration, minorities or the right to seek asylum. - Support Centres is an international NGO seated in Belgium and operating Europe - wide. Beside providing financial support to staff or freelance journalists for conducting research for an investigative journalism project, provides advocacy support to staff and freelance journalists, editors, media outlets as well as civic bloggers.

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union - Support Centres

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) is an NGO operating in Hungary. TASZ provides legal and advocacy support to staff and freelance journalists, editors, media outlets, civic journalists or bloggers, NGOs, and journalist associations on a pro-bono fee basis. The responsible person is Dalma Dojcsák, contactable via email or phone +3612790046.

ARTICLE 19 - Support Centres

ARTICLE 19 is an international NGO based in London and operating all over Europe. Article 19 offers free legal advice and advocacy support for Staff journalists, editors, media outlets, civic journalists/bloggers, freelance journalists, NGOs, and/or journalist associations.

Index on Censorship - Stakeholders

Index on Censorship is an international organisation that promotes and defends the right to freedom of expression. Founded in 1972 to publish the untold stories of dissidents behind the Iron Curtain, today Index uses a combination of journalism, campaigning and advocacy to defend freedom of expression for those facing censorship and repression, including journalists, writers, social media users, bloggers, artists, politicians, scientists, academics, activists and citizens.

Index runs several projects on media freedom and provides practical support for journalists and media practitioners under threat.