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Search for "big_data" returned 523 matches

Filtering, blocking and take-down of illegal content on the Internet - Reports

A comparative study on filtering, blocking and take-down of illegal content on the Internet in the Council of Europe member states

Access to Public Information in Georgia (2010 – 2015) - Reports

This report analyses several Georgian state institutions and assesses how they provide information to the public

IPI: Criminal Defamation in Europe Wednesday 02 December 2015 - Infographic


This infographic by the International Press Institute (IPI) presents comparative data on the impact of criminal defamation in different European countries.  This visualization is part of the broad

Media ownership and finances in Kosovo: Legal vacuum and lack of transparency - Reports

This country report by the South East European Media Observatory investigates the lack of transparency in media ownership and financing in Kosovo

Media Ownership and Finances in Turkey. Increasing Concentration and Clientelism - Reports

This report explores the mechanisms through which ownership concentration and political clientelism limit media freedom and diversity in Turkey

Council of Europe - Platform: protection of journalism and safety of journalists - Monitoring tool

In 2015, the Council of Europe established the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists to facilitate the compilation, processing and dissemination of information on serious concerns about media freedom and safety of journalists in Council of Europe member States

Media Pluralism Monitor 2020 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2020 (MPM2020) is a scientific and holistic effort to document the health of media ecosystems, detailing threats to media pluralism and freedom in European Union member states and some candidate countries

Information security. Protecting your story, your source and yourself online - Manuals

This manual is designed by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) to instruct journalists and media organisations on how to practise information security in the digital age, how to protect their work, your sources, and communication flows which may be endangered by dfferent factors

Who makes the news? Global Media Monitoring Report 2015 - Reports

Since 1995, the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) at five-year intervals, has measured the pace of change in women’s media representation and participation. In 2015, evidence from over 100 countries confirms that progress has been glacially slow

Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis - Reports

With funding from the EU's Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, a recent report by the PRISM project has empirically investigated online hate speech in France, Italy, Romania, Spain and the UK