Search hate campaign

Search for "hate campaign" returned 147 matches

Media Monitoring Report: Reporting on minority issues and diversity in the media - Reports

Supported by the OSCE Mission to Moldova, the Moldovan Independent Journalism Center monitored TV and online press for one month in order to determine how they report on topics related to ethnic minorities and other groups vulnerable to hate speech

EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2018 - Reports

The EU engaged in activities across the globe in line with the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2015-2019). Focusing on a number of thematic issues, this report provides a snapshot of this commitment

Bulgaria: media ownership in a “captured state” - Reports

A report on the fact-finding mission by ECPMF and OBCT on Bulgaria’s media ownership structures and their implications for media freedom

Feindbild Journalist - Reports

Feindbild Journalist by ECPMF reports on the physical attacks journalists faced in Germany in 2018. It also compares the results with the analyses carried out in the previous years

New digital threats to media pluralism in the information age - Reports

The increasing concentration of resources and the spreading of disinformation threaten quality information and media pluralism online. This essay, belonging to the Working Paper Series on 'Freedom and Pluralism of the Media, Society and Markets', focuses on economic, quality, and social threats, with the goal of examining dangers to pluralistic, quality information and finding responses to preserve media pluralism and a professional process of information production

Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report - Reports

This is the final report of an inquiry by the Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) Committee of the British House of Commons into Disinformation and 'fake news', which started in September 2017. In November 2018, representatives from eight countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Ireland, Latvia, and Singapore) joined the DCMS Committee to form an International Grand Committee

Disinformation and propaganda – impact on the functioning of the rule of law in the EU and its Member States - Reports

This study, commissioned by the  European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs and requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil  Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, assesses the  impact of disinformation and strategic political propaganda disseminated through online social media sites

GLASNOST! Nine ways Facebook can make itself a better forum for free speech and democracy - Reports

The report analyses how Facebook has tackled specific issues concerning political information and political speech, and then suggests nine ways to make the platform a better forum for free speech and democracy

Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in the Western Balkans - Comparative Analysis 2018 - Reports

This comparative study aims at assessing the achievements in freedom of speech and journalists’ safety in five Western Balkans countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia)

News vs. fake AGCOM report on Italy - Reports

A report by the Italian telecommunications regulatory body about real and fake news in the Italian information system