
78 results

Attacks on the Press: Gender and Media Freedom Worldwide - Books

The 2016 edition of CPJ's focusing on gender-based threats to journalists and the media


Surveillance Self-Defence - Training

Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications aimed at journalists and activists

Encryption - A Matter of Human Rights - Reports

Restrictions on access to and use of encryption may constitute an interference with the enjoyment of human rights, holds Amnesty International’s first official stance on encryption 

Journalist Security in the Digital World: A Survey - Manuals

The digital world turns journalism into a riskier profession, but it can also make it safer. Digital technology can offer tools to minimize the dangers. How do journalists get along with risks and opportunities?

Countering Online Abuse of Female Journalists - Reports

Female journalists and bloggers throughout the globe are disproportionally facing gender-related threats, harassment, and intimidation on the Internet compared to their male colleagues. The OSCE addresses this new challenge to freedom of expression and digital rights

Security-in-a-box. Tools and tactics for digital security - Manuals

Security in-a-Box is a guide to digital security throughout the world, providing guidance for both general principles of online security and for specific situations

Digital Security First Aid Kit for Human Rights Defenders - Training

This kit, written for computer non-experts, approaches the issue of digital security with simple answers and links to more exhaustive resources for additional support

Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge - Reports

The Guide “Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge” by Share Foundation assesses the conditions of online media and journalists in the Serbian digital environment

Freedom on the net 2015 - Reports

Freedom on the Net – a comprehensive report on internet freedom produced annually by Freedom House - analyses the state censorship of on-line media in 65 countries around the world