Search transparency_of_media_ownership

Search for "transparency_of_media_ownership" returned 107 matches

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

In the Service of Power: Media Capture and the Threat to Democracy - Books

This volume collects papers presented at a conference hosted by the Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and is “the first of its kind” to explore “how political figures and economic elites are colluding to undermine the independence of privately-owned news media”

Latvia - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

A report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) on risks for media pluralism in Latvia, with policy recommendations

Montenegro Freedom of the Press 2016 - Reports

Freedom House Montenegro report for 2016 draws a comprehensive picture of the latest developments, taking into account the legal environment as well as political and economic interferences in the regular functioning of media

Transparency of media ownership in Cyprus - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of Cyprus ". This is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Transparency of media ownership in the Republic of Macedonia - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of the Republic of Macedonia ". This is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Transparency of media ownership in Greece - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of Greece ". Due to the lack of sources on this specific topic, this section needs further expansion. You can help to improve and expand it or you can suggest new sources through the crowd-sourcing section of the Resource Centre.

This contribution is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Transparency of media ownership in Albania - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of Albania". This is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Transparency of media ownership in Georgia - Wikipedia Item

A new section on transparency of media ownership has been created within the article "Media of Georgia ". This is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Transparency of media ownership in Bulgaria - Wikipedia Item

The new Wikipedia article "Transparency of media ownership in Bulgaria" has been created in December 2016. The article is part of the series on "Transparency of media ownership in Europe   " and will be followed by other country-specific items.