Search data journalism

Search for "data journalism" returned 111 matches

Terrorism and the Media: a handbook for journalists - Manuals

 A report by UNESCO examines the challenges of balanced reporting on the volatile and emotionally charged subject of terrorism

Being a Journalist in Bulgaria: The State of the Profession - Reports

The first report analyzing the journalistic profession in Bulgaria with the help of media anthropology

Journalism Education in South East Europe - Books

A cross-national survey among journalism students in SEE enquires their motivation and level of satisfaction with current curricula, formulating recommendations for future developments

Moldova: Media monitoring during elections - Reports

Four weekly reports examine media coverage of Presidential elections in Moldova (October 2016), highlighting "barricade journalism", unbalanced and unethical reporting  

EJN 5 point Guide for Migration Reporting Friday 07 October 2016 - Infographic


Ethics_of_journalism ... The Ethical Journalism Network presented the EJN’s new guidelines for migration reporting at Prix Italia’s conference on migration in Lampedusa on 1 October 2016

Media development and Countering Violent Extremism - Reports

How does the agenda on "Countering violent extremism" interact with the field of media development? A CIMA report provides an introduction to the debate between these two fields of action

Insights and trends in antisemitic online hate speech - Reports

Get the Trolls Out! is a project aimed to monitoring antisemitic hate speech in Europe. This report reveals the subtle rhetorical tricks that are typically employed to brainwash the public into hating and discriminating against Jewish people

The EU Prize for Journalism 2016 in Georgia - Opportunities

The EU Prize for Journalism seeks to encourage professionalism and ethical conduct in Georgian journalism

Making Sense of Statistics - a review and guide by the BBC Trust - Reports

A report reviews the use of statistics by the BBC and provides relevant guidelines on how to use data for journalism

Press freedom in 'post-democracy' Greece - Reports

Nine journalists were sanctioned by the Disciplinary Board of the Journalists’ Union of Athens following an investigation into the skewed coverage of the bailout referendum of July 2015. However, the issue is structural and involves the way mainstream media have been covering the financial crisis and austerity policy for several years