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Search for "media_monitoring" returned 141 matches

Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma - Stakeholders

The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma is a resource center and global network of journalists, journalism educators and health professionals dedicated to improving media coverage of trauma, conflict and tragedy. Based at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, the Dart Center is also involved in a variety of press freedom-related activities, including helping to spearhead the Global Safety Principles, campaigning on behalf of freelance journalists, supporting news organizations in developing countries, implementing initiatives to address psychological safety and spotlighting the cases of individual journalists targeted with violence. The Dart Center is a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. The European office of "Dart Center Europe" is based in London.

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) - Stakeholders

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24)  - BAĞIMSIZ GAZETECİLİK PLATFORMU is a civil society organization founded by members of the Turkish press whose objective is to support media integrity in Turkey by providing trainings, assistance and funding opportunities for young professionals. 

Centre for Freedom of the Media - Stakeholders

The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) is a research and advocacy centre based at the Department of Journalism Studies of the University of Sheffield. It focuses on media freedom issues worldwide employing a variety of perspectives and tools. Besides traditional academic and educational activities, the Centre is active in the information and advocacy field, monitoring the state of media freedom and sharing best practice and resources for journalists. It seeks to counter threats to journalism safety and freedom in many different countries, and it promotes positive changes to laws, policy and practice concerning them.

Mass Media Defence Centre - Stakeholders

The Mass Media Defence Centre is an NGO working in the field of media rights protection and the promotion of freedom of expression standards in Russia. Its primary purpose is to protect the rights of media outlets and provides practical support for journalists.

The MMDC is part of the Media Legal Defence Initiative network. The MMDC Director Galina Arapova is a member of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). 

The Internet Monitor - Stakeholders

The Internet Monitor is a research project based at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Internet Monitor's aim is to evaluate, describe, and summarize the means, mechanisms, and extent of Internet content controls and Internet activity around the world. The project helps researchers, advocates, policymakers, and user communities understand trends in Internet health and activity through research, analysis, and data visualization.

Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans - Stakeholders

The Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans is a network of journalists' associations and media trade unions established in January 2016. The Platform has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and functions as an early warning and prevention mechanism, monitoring attacks against journalists. It provides an accessible way to report violations and to search through six regional centers' databases of attacks.

Participating organizations are: BH Novinari for Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatian Association of Journalists (HND) for Croatia, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, NUNS for Serbia and ZNM for Macedonia. 

Nordicom - Stakeholders

NORDICOM is a knowledge centre in the field of media and communication research, a cooperation between the five countries of the Nordic region - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Starting from academic research, Nordicom collects and adapts knowledge, mediating it to various user groups in the Nordic region, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

Nordicom also manages the Ncom database , offering search in a collection of research, knowledge and useful resources in the field of Nordic media and communication research.

King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power - Stakeholders

Based in the Policy Institute at King’s College London, the King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power  explores how news provision, political communication, public discourse, civic engagement and media power are changing in the digital age. It does this through rigorous empirical research, and communication of the findings of this research to inform relevant academic and public policy debates and civic society responses, in order to help promote diversity, fairness, transparency and accountability in media and communication.

The Centre has developed from the foundations of the Media Standards Trust, an independent think tank that has been conducting research on issues of media and public policy since 2006, and has been based at the Policy Institute at King’s since September 2013.

The Centre is advised by a range of senior figures from the media and civil society. 

European platform of regulatory authorities (EPRA) - Stakeholders

EPRA is the European platform of regulatory authorities. Launched in 1995, it nowadays comprises 52 regulatory authorities from 46 countries.

The European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Audiovisual Observatory and the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media are standing Observers of the Platform.

EPRA produces a wealth of comparative working documents, presentations and information on media regulation. EPRA Website is thus a unique source of non-academic knowledge on the implementation of media regulation in Europe and on regulatory authorities. Powerful search tools allow you to browse through the numerous working documents.

Initiative for Freedom of Expression - Stakeholders

Initiative for Freedom of Expression is a Turkey-based association and movement of civil disobedience, working on the right to freedom of expression. It is a member of the global network IFEX

Since 2000, it publishes annual reports on the situation of freedom of expression in Turkey and distributes them among the main Non-Governmental Organizations, as well as to the media institutions. Every week, the Initiative publishes a Weekly Bulletin  in Turkish and in English. Since 1997, it organizes biennial "Gatherings for Freedom of Expression" in Istanbul. Together with other stakeholders, it created the ÇTL database (Current Trial Library), recording thought crime cases. It opened a virtual and interactive Museum of the Crimes of Thought