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European Anti-SLAPP Conference 2022 - HTML5 video

On 20 October 2022, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and the Case Coalition hosted in Strasbourg the European Anti-SLAPP Conference, aimed at examining initiatives against SLAPPs and their impact on journalism 

Democratic Values in the Digital Age Series: Strengthening Media Pluralism and Freedoms - Article

Media freedom and media pluralism are essential to our democracies and are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. How can we safeguard media freedom and pluralism in the current digital environment? A conference organised by UCD Centre for Digital Policy

Call for Italian political forces to take a stand against SLAPPs, a ‘slap’ in the face of freedom of information - Article

The right of citizens to be informed about matters of public interest and of journalists to write freely about them cannot and must not be hindered by SLAPPs. Civil society's appeal to the future parliament to promote measures to contrast strategic lawsuits

Monitoring Report - Mapping Media Freedom January - June 2022 - Reports

The current Monitoring Report tracks media freedom violations across Europe during the first semester of 2022

Turkey: Twenty journalists including TGS leadership blacklisted by police - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) expressed solidarity with the twenty journalists blacklisted by the Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) for their writing and joined the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) in denouncing an apparent attempt to intimidate independent journalists and trade unionists

Serbia: Support for OK Radio as it faces intimidation by powerful businessperson - Article

Threats and pressure on media outlets by powerful business interests cannot be met with impunity

Fažana Media Fest 2022 - Article

Organised by the investigative journalism center CIN-IJC, the fourth edition of the Fažana Media Fest will be an opportunity to explore the role of women in the media

Intimidation and mafia influences in the world of journalism and information - Reports

The Parliamentary sub-committee mafia, journalists and world of information within the Antimafia Commission monitors the limitations to press freedom caused by organised crime. The report recognises that overcoming forms of exploitation and precariousness and supporting less structured but more exposed editorial activities is a democratic duty

European Anti-SLAPP Conference 2022 - Article

On 20 October 2022, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) will host the first ever European Anti-SLAPP Conference. The event is organised under the patronage of the European Parliament, with the support of the Council of Europe, and funded by the Open Society Foundations

Ukraine: MFRR partners reiterate call for safety and support of media 6 months after invasion - Article

Today, 24 August, marks both the Ukrainian day of Independence and six months since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression. On this occasion, the partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response reiterate our continued solidarity with the journalists and media workers who risk their lives and safety to bring the world independent, balanced, and accurate information from the frontlines