
102 results

Cyprus: Call for thorough investigations into surveillance of Makarios Drousiotis - Article

OBC Transeuropa and other media advocacy organisations sent a letter to the Cypriot authorities, amid the lack of adequate investigations into the alleged surveillance of journalist Makarios Drousiotis.

Surveillance: after Pegasus and Predator, the EU is (slowly) taking action - Article

While the European Parliament's Commission enquires on the various states where surveillance technologies have been commercialised despite the bans, the emphasis remains on civil society and digital security.

Interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli of IrpiMedia

by Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT . Also available in ITA

Trudeau against Facebook: social media, copyright, and information - Article

In protest against the new Canadian law that requires social media to pay news organisations every time a user shares a link, Facebook has blocked access to news portals, earning the condemnation of Prime Minister Trudeau. In Europe, meanwhile, new regulations are on their way on the removal of content, advertising, and disinformation

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT in ENG and ITA

Journalists and spyware surveillance: an open letter to the European Parliament calling for an absolute prohibition - Article

The world of journalism is mobilizing and launching yet another heartfelt appeal to the European Parliament to introduce, in the proposed European Media Freedom Law (EMFA) under discussion, a total ban on the use of spying software against journalists.

Wiretapping and trojans: the Nordio bill alarms journalists - Article

For the Italian Press National Federation and trade associations, the crackdown on the dissemination of transcripts is a new attack on freedom of the press and citizens' right to be informed. Even MPs are in turmoil, worried that the "cyber interceptor" – aka trojan - will get out of the hands of its users

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

24 International Organizations Call for an End to Russian War Crimes Against Journalists in Ukraine - Article

OBCT joins 23 other civil society organizations to call for an end to Russian war crimes against journalists in Ukraine

The Rule of Law Mechanism: a safeguard to media freedom in the EU? - Training

In its Rule of Law Report 2023 the European Commission acknowledges that media freedom remains a sector of concern in many member states. How can the Rule of Law Mechanism contribute to the safeguard of free and independent media in the EU? We will discuss it in a webinar with journalists and experts from Italy, Croatia and Poland

Greece: Swift investigations required after two attacks against journalists - Article

OBCT joins journalists’ and media freedom organisations in condemning recent attacks to Greek journalists Giorgos Papachristos and Kostas Vaxevanis

Rule of Law Reports - Protecting media pluralism and independence? - HTML5 video

Within the context of the 2023 MFRR Summit dedicated to “Press Freedom on the Line” - which took place from the 29 to the 31 of March, this panel discussed the potential of the Rule of Law (RoL) mechanism by looking at the experience of transnational coalitions employing the RoL report for Europe-wide advocacy work. It addressed the following key questions: How can European mechanisms such as the Rule of Law (RoL) report contribute to strengthening the protection of independent journalism across Europe? To what extent does it help foster an open and informed debate in member countries?

European Media Freedom Act: the end of source confidentiality? - Article

The new European regulation aims to protect the secrecy of journalistic sources, the key concept at the heart of journalism, but actually risks legitimising its systematic violation

By Dimitri Bettoni

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA