
661 results

Sustainable innovative journalism and new business models. Report by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) - Reports

This EFJ report investigates efforts dedicated to advancing sustainable and innovative journalism, encompassing initiatives that delve into novel approaches to business models

The “misuse” of the judicial system to attack freedom of expression: trends, challenges and responses - Reports

The current UNESCO brief explores a number of legal tools which are employed to curb freedom of expression around the world, such as criminal defamation offences; defamation as civil wrong; SLAPPs

25th Anniversary of the Mandate of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media – Can there be security without media freedom? - Reports

“Can there be security without media freedom?'' is a report published by the office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom on the Media. The scope of this document is to analyse the impact of technology on the media ecosystem and the challenges to overcome. The report formulates a list of recommendations directed to strengthening media freedom, human rights, democracy, and security in the years to come

The Chilling: recommendations for action responding to online violence against women journalists - Reports

A list of recommendations proposed for consideration by responders to online violence against women journalists at the global level

The State of State Media 2022 - A global analysis of the editorial independence of state media based on the state media matrix (2022 edition) - Reports

“The State of State Media” is published by the Media and Journalism Research Center. The study analyses the level of independence of public media outlets in all continents

Freedom on the Net 2022: Countering an Authoritarian Overhaul of the Internet - Reports

This Freedom House report examines the global landscape of internet freedom, conducting an analysis of human rights in the digital realm across 70 countries

Monitoring Report - Mapping Media Freedom January - June 2022 - Reports

The current Monitoring Report tracks media freedom violations across Europe during the first semester of 2022

Intimidation and mafia influences in the world of journalism and information - Reports

The Parliamentary sub-committee mafia, journalists and world of information within the Antimafia Commission monitors the limitations to press freedom caused by organised crime. The report recognises that overcoming forms of exploitation and precariousness and supporting less structured but more exposed editorial activities is a democratic duty

Tackling Impunity – Lessons from the Public Inquiry into the Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia - Reports

The Tackling Impunity report examines the role of a Public Inquiry in shedding light on the context that resulted in the assassination of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in October 2017

2022 Rule of Law Report - Reports

On 13 July 2022, the European Commission adopted the third Rule of Law Report, which includes 27 country chapters and new recommendations to each Member State