
213 results

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) - Stakeholders

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) is a foundation established in 1989 in Warsaw. The HFHR is one of the most experienced and professional non-governmental organizations involved in the protection of human rights in Europe. It is active both in Poland and abroad, in particular in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus and Central Asia. HFHR conducts national and international trainings, organizes conferences and seminars. It provides expert consultation in the sphere of human rights and freedoms to individuals as well as to non-governmental organizations and to state institutions.

In 1993, the Foundation set up the Human Rights House in Warsaw, an international network to protect, empowers and support human rights defenders and their organizations. Today, more than 100 independent human rights organizations work together in 15 Human Rights Houses located in Eastern and Western Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The headquarter of the Human Rights House Foundation is based in Oslo.

In Poland the Foundation has established the Observatory of Media Freedom , a program dedicated to monitoring the standards of protection of the freedom of expression in Poland, through legal opinions, analysis and complaints to the European Court of Human Rights.

European Digital Rights (EDRi) - Stakeholders

EDRi is an association of civil and human rights organisations  from across Europe aimed at defending rights and freedoms in the digital environment. EDRi's key priorities for the next years are privacy, surveillance, net neutrality and copyright reform.

Articolo 21 - Stakeholders

Born in 2002 and based in Rome, Articolo 21 is an Italian association which brings together journalists, jurists, economists and persons in the field of culture who want to promote the principle of the freedom of expression as stated in Article 21 of the Italian Constitution.

Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) - Stakeholders

The Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) advocates for political cartoonists, defending their right to free speech. It was the first cartoon-focused human rights organization when it was founded in 1992. It organizes international campaigns for cartoonist as well as it has helped cartoonists to seek asylum from countries where they have been threatened, or suffered harassment, often from government authorities.

Transitions On Line - Stakeholders

Transitions On Line (TOL) is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to strengthen quality and independence of news media in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe by offering media training programs and publishing Transitions Online  magazine.

Union of Cyprus Journalists - Stakeholders

The Union of Cyprus Journalists  was founded in 1960 and has now 560 members comprising "all the professional journalists working in the country" as proudly stated in its webpage.

The Union aims at strengthening the freedom of the press and safeguarding independent journalism. It is an active member of the European Federation of Journalists.

Professional journalists with at least six months service are eligible to join the Union, regardless of ethnic origin, race and religion.

Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información (PDLI) - Stakeholders

Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información (PDLI) is a Spanish civil society group uniting journalists, lawyers, media houses, social movements and consumer advocates.

PDLI arouse out of the concern of a group of organisations and individuals in the legal field, journalism and social movements after the deterioration of freedom of expression and information in Spain, following a series of reforms and the approval of new laws, such as the Organic Law Project on the Protection of Citizen Security, the Intellectual Property Law, the Transparency Law.

Among the activities PDLI carries out, there is the monitoring and dissemination of attacks on freedom of expression against journalists and the media, as well as against activists, social movements and citizens. PDLI also support campaign in defense of media freedom and organise training programs for journalists, activists and social movements on how to safely exercise their profession.

PDLI launched, an online tool to collect data on legal threats to freedom of expression.

APADOR-CH - Stakeholders

The Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, established in 1990. 

APADOR-CH’s Mission is to take action for the protection of human rights and the establishment of equilibrium when they are in danger or infringed upon.

APADOR-CH’s strategic objectives include protection of human rights, improvement of legislative framework regarding freedom of expression and the right to free assembly, increasing transparency and good governance and monitoring police abuses.

Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression - Stakeholders

The Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression is an Armenian NGO monitoring freedom of speech in the country, violations of journalists’ rights, and the development of independent media. It publishes general annual reports as well as more frequent analyses and reports on specific cases and issues. The Committee also develops recommendations on media legislation, and it provides support to journalists and media in need. The Committee is member of the Partnership for Open Society Initiative. 

Branded Content Research Network - Stakeholders

The Branded Content Research Network is a research and networking project based at the University of the Arts London, focusing on the more and more blurred delimitation between media and advertising. It explores branded content practices and implications, such as the issues that the new forms of integrated advertising raise for consumers and media outlets. One of the key features of the Network is its promotion of connections between people having different interests and perspectives on the subject, such as scholars, industry practitioners, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders. After being established in September 2016, the Network has been gradually expanding its range of activity by organising seminars and conferences, as well as by disseminating research and discussion findings in several ways. Researchers in the network lead the Branded Content Governance Project, an international research project examining the changing regulation and governance of content produced or funded by marketers.
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