
213 results

Center for Democracy & Technology Europe (CDTE) - Stakeholders

CDT Europe advocates for the promotion and protection of democracy and human rights in European tech law and policy. It works closely on key legislation in the European Union which regulates the online space, how people interact with it and how it impacts their rights. We form broad coalitions with civil society which aim to raise the voices of those most likely to be impacted by the tech policy we work on, taking an inclusive, intersectional approach.

Email contacts: /

Address: Rue d’Arlon 25 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

National Union Of Journalists (NUJ) - Stakeholders

Founded on January 23, 1972 in New Delhi by eminent journalists, the National Union of Journalists (India) is a national organization dedicated to the cause of journalism. The main aim of the organization is to fight for the rights of media persons. 

Promotes Journalistic Standards and Ethics: NUJ arranges training for journalists in order to improve standards of work. 

Maintains institutes of Journalism at state and national level.

Defends Press Freedom: Promote, safeguard, and defend the professional interests, welfare, and status of journalists.

Establish funds for employment, sickness, death benefits, or other kinds of benefits for members and help members secure employment when necessary.

Legislative Advocacy: Works for and promotes legislation for the economic and professional welfare of journalists.

Representation in Government: Secures representation for journalists in delegations sent abroad by the Government of India or any State Government and on commissions that seek public opinion.

Legal Aid: To build up and administer funds for the provision of legal aid, pension, and other benefits.

Publishing: To conduct, maintain, and publish journals, own and run printing presses for NUJ(I).

International Cooperation: To develop contacts with organizations in other countries having similar objectives, and secure representation for journalists on delegations and commissions.

Address: 7, Jantar Mantar Road Second Floor, New Delhi 110001
Contact: +91 - 9548020874

Press Club of India - Stakeholders

The idea of Press Club of India was first conceived by veteran journalist Mr Durga Das way back in the early 1930s. The Press Club was founded on December 20, 1957 and incorporated as a company on March 10, 1958. It is enshrined in the PCI constitution that the institution is meant to work for media related activities. 

Advocates for the freedom of the press and defends journalists' rights against censorship and other forms of suppression.

Statements & Protests: PCI issues public statements and organizes protests. 

Platform for Debates and Discussion:  It organizes discussions, seminars, and debates on relevant topics related to media freedom and is a venue for press conferences and interaction between various stakeholders..

Legal Assistance: PCI offers support to journalists facing legal challenges, including access to legal resources and advice.

Campaigning: It advocates for better working conditions, fair pay, and the rights of journalists in newsrooms and media houses.

Workshops & Training: It conducts workshops and training sessions for enhancing journalists' skills and promoting best practices in the profession.

Office Address Raisina Road 1, New Delhi-110001 
Phone : 01123719844, 011213034700

Indian Journalists Union (IJU) - Stakeholders

IUJ was established in 1990 with the aim to stand up against each and every act, both by state and non-state actors, aimed to silence the media and gag the truth.

Welfare: IJU works towards the welfare of journalists to ensure better working conditions, better wages, pension schemes and gender equality.

Collective Action: Organizes collective action for issues concerning journalists and joins common cause international organizations to consolidate the fight.

Representation: It voices opinions and demands and has representation in Central and state government institutions related to media. 

Registered Office: F-29 Shankar Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi—110001
Postal Address: 29, Puberun Path, Hengrabari, Guwahati-781006, Assam

Press Council of India (PCI) - Stakeholders

The Press Council of India is an autonomous body established by the Government of India under the Press Council Act, 1978. PCI aims to help newspapers and news agencies to maintain their independence; to build up a code of conduct of newspapers, news agencies and journalists in accordance with high professional standards,to keep under review any development likely to restrict the supply and dissemination of news of public interest and importance.

Investigates Complaints: PCI sets standards for journalistic ethics and conducts and investigates complaints against journalists.

Safeguarding Press Freedom: Protection of freedom of speech and expression and  ensures that the press is not unduly influenced by the government or other powerful entities.

Resolution of Disputes: PCI acts as a mediator in disputes between journalists and the public, helping to maintain trust between the press and the people it serves.

Issues Advisories: The PCI issues advisories to the press on matters related to journalistic ethics and conduct.

Address: Press Council of India Sansad Marg New Delhi, 110001 India
Phone Numbers: +91-11-23095929 +91-11-23095930 +91-11-23095931

Pro Bono Italia ETS - Stakeholders

Pro Bono Italia ETS is the first non-profit association of lawyers, practitioners, law firms, corporate lawyers and bar associations to promote a culture of pro bono in our country. It is an independent, apolitical and nonpartisan entity, founded in 2017, which now has about 50 members and a network of about a thousand people, including lawyers, corporate lawyers, nonprofits and academics. It has promoted the creation of a social and legal ecosystem for the promotion of a pro bono culture in Italy. With its registration in October 2023 in the Official Register of Third Sector Entities (RUNTS), the association assumed the status of ETS, thus confirming its vocation as a nonprofit entity.

Parliamentary inquiry commission into mafias and other criminal organisations, including foreign ones - Stakeholders

Established in 2001, the Commission monitors the implementation of the Italian laws on organised crime. The Commission is also responsible for assessing the nature of the transformations of the mafia phenomenon, as well as the process of internationalisation and cooperation with other criminal organisations aimed at managing new forms of illegal activities. Within the commission, the sub-committee mafia, journalists and world of information monitors the limitations to press freedom caused by organised crime.

Transparency International Italia - Stakeholders

Founded in 1993, Transparency International takes a clear stance against corruption in over 100 countries.
Transparency International Italia is committed to ensure that governments, institutions, businesses and public bodies adopt all the necessary tools to prevent corruption. Their mission is to raise awareness among citizens on the issues of transparency and legality.
Through a work of research and analysis, Transparency International Italia tries to understand where the most critical points are and what can be done to solve in collaboration with institutions and companies.

Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation - Stakeholders

The Foundation works to ensure justice for Daphne's assassination and to continue her fight for press freedom and liberal democracy and against populism, corruption and impunity in Malta and internationally.

NGOs for the Citizen - Stakeholders

The Coalition "NGOs for the Citizen" (ONG-uri pentru cetăţean) is a Romanian group of 20 NGOs supported by the Network of European Foundations and born to counter the shrinking space for participation for organisations and activists.