
384 results

"A digital prison": surveillance and the supression of civil society in Serbia - Reports

The report exposes the systemic use of surveillance technologies by the Serbian government to keep civil society activities under control and intimidate journalists and dissenters

CASE SLAPPs report 2024 - SLAPPs in Europe: Mapping Trends and Cases - Reports

The latest CASE report analyzing the SLAPP phenomenon in Europe has been published

The invisible hand of media censorship in the Balkans - Reports

The Balkans face media challenges like political interference, opaque ownership, and disinformation. Weak enforcement of the European Media Freedom Act highlights the need for stronger reforms and support for independent journalism

Media Capture Monitoring Report: Romania - Measuring compliance with the European Media Freedom Act - Reports

The International Press Institute (IPI) and the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC) have recently published a timely analysis assessing the state of media capture in Romania

European Commission’s Rule of Law Report 2024: Gap Analysis - Reports

The Gap Analysis highlights deficiencies in the Annual Rule of Law Cycle of the European Commission . Key areas identified are poor progress on recommendations and the, lack of enforcement tools which undermine the potential impact of the report

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report: January - June 2024 - Reports

The report analyzes and compares the nature and type of media freedom-related incidents witnessed in the EU member states and candidate countries in the first half of 2024  

The Capture Effect: How Media Capture Affects Journalists, Markets and Audiences - Reports

Marius Dragomir explores the growing phenomenon of media capture

2024 EC Rule of Law Report: EU Accession Countries and Member States on Equal Footing, Civic Space Threats Overlooked - Reports

The report provides an analysis of the European Commission’s Rule of Law Report on Accession countries prepared by the association Balkan Civil Society Development Network

Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s Democratic Drift - Reports

The Media Freedom Rapid Response published the final report of the advocacy mission that took place in May 2024 in Rome

2024 Rule of Law Report - Country Chapter North Macedonia - Reports

Despite constitutional guarantees, North Macedonian journalists face many challenges regarding freedom of expression and media censorship. Troubling precedents, such as defamation cases, are a serious hurdle to media freedom in the country. Journalism remains an unappealing career option for many due to insufficient and non-transparent state funding