Search for "GERMANY" returned 36 matches

Trentino, journalism and gag complaints - Article

Between announced complaints and warnings, we heard from 4 newspaper editors, the union and an investigative journalist. First part of an investigation into the SLAPP phenomenon in Trentino

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA.

South Tyrol, the information monopoly and a new case of SLAPP - Article

The Bolzano web portal has received a claim for damages for 150,000 Euros from the South Tyrol publishing giant Athesia. According to defence attorney Nicola Canestrini, it is a clear case of SLAPP, a gag complaint

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Milan city of refuge: protected residences for threatened journalism - HTML5 video

A public event to present the Journalist-in-Residence (JiR) project, coordinated by OBC Transeuropa, Q Code Mag and the European Center for Press and Media Freedom, members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, to relaunch the idea of ​​Milan as a shelter city for journalists

Italy: Access to information law should not override protection of journalistic sources - Article

On 18 June 2021, the Administrative Court of Lazio (TAR Lazio) ordered the Italian Media Public Broadcaster (RAI) to release documents held by TV Program Report following an access to information request

Journalists across EU face wave of attacks covering anti-lockdown protests - Reports

Since the beginning of September, IPI and its Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners have recorded at least 58 incidents involving assaults, physical aggression, threats and intimidation against journalists covering demonstrations linked to COVID-19, in Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Portugal

MAPPING MEDIA FREEDOM: a Four-Month Snapshot - Reports

Overview and data analysis of the monitoring activity of the Media Freedom Rapid Response from March to June 2020

Media workers to be protected when covering demonstrations and protests - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners are concerned about the increased violence against media professionals at protests and demonstrations across EU Member States and Candidate Countries in the last months and call for increased protection

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2019 - Reports

The report aims at understanding how news is being consumed across the world. This year’s focus is on people’s trust in media and their willingness to pay for news, private messaging applications and groups, misinformation, and habits of younger people

Junk News During the EU Parliamentary Elections: Lessons from a Seven-Language Study of Twitter and Facebook - Academic Sources

The study highlights that the influence of junk news is far less prominent on Twitter (4% of total sources), while the engagement of junk news is higher on Facebook, but the recipients of professional news outnumbered the former