Search for "SWEDEN" returned 3 matches

Call for National Researchers in Europe - Article

Access Info Europe is currently seeking independent, country-level researchers for several European countries to act as national researchers for the first edition of the Global Data Barometer (2020–2021)

Call for Participants: Data-driven Storytelling about Human Rights training course - Training

Are you a young media-maker, designer/developer/programmer or human rights activist? Are you concerned about the human rights and feel passionate for data-driven journalism? Do you want to learn how to use innovative storytelling forms? Then this call is for you! 

Access Info Europe: Accessing companies registers #3 Tuesday 02 February 2016 - Infographic


, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. The remaining 21 countries ask a charge that can be different from country to country: Serbia asks 0,5 Euro for the access to a single record while Russia asks