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Search for "ad-blocking" returned 7 matches

South Tyrol, the information monopoly and a new case of SLAPP - Article

The Bolzano web portal has received a claim for damages for 150,000 Euros from the South Tyrol publishing giant Athesia. According to defence attorney Nicola Canestrini, it is a clear case of SLAPP, a gag complaint

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Against SLAPPs, the first European conference - Article

The first European conference for the fight against SLAPPs, also known as gag or reckless complaints, was held in Strasbourg on 20 October, organised by the European Center for Press and Media Freedom and the Coalition against SLAPP in Europe. The report of the event

by Sielke Kelner

Montenegro: the fight against impunity begins in the courtroom - Legal Resources

Two recent landmark judgements in Montenegro seek to end impunity for crimes against journalists, reversing a long-lasting trend and holding authorities responsible for failing to investigate attacks against journalist Tufik Softić

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Freedom House - Freedom of the Press - Indexes

Since 1980, the Freedom of the Press index assesses on an annual basis the degree of print, broadcast, and digital media freedom in 199 countries

Mapping Media Freedom Q3 2016 - Reports

Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom project has recorded an unprecedented series of crackdowns on media professionals and news outlets during the third quarter of 2016

Mapping Media Freedom Q2 2016 - Reports

Violence against journalists in Europe increased in the second quarter of 2016, reports submitted to Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom platform show