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Search for "albania" returned 38 matches

Media Capture in the Western Balkans: From captured states to captured media - Reports

The policy brief produced by Southeast European Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI)  provides an analytical insight into the mechanisms behind media capture in the Western Balkans countries, as a phenomenon that negatively affects the media landscape in those countries through impairment of media freedom and pluralism. With the region being on track for EU accession, media capture presents a paramount problem that the brief addresses

MFRR Monitoring Report 2023 - Reports

The partners from the MFRR consortium publish the latest edition of its Monitoring Report which documents press freedom violations from January to December 2023

Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide - Reports

On Tuesday 5 March 2024, the Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists launched its annual report "Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide", written by the Platform’s coalition of fifteen press freedom NGOs and journalists associations. It takes stock of key areas of law, policy and practices affecting media freedom and safety of journalists in Europe and identifies actions required to improve effective protection of journalists.

ALBANIA – Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania, 2022 - Reports

“Indicators on the Level of Media Freedom and Journalists' Safety in Albania '' is a publication produced by Safejournalists network. The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to legal protection, editorial independence and safety of journalists

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2022 - Reports

The 2021 Monitoring Report offers an overview of media freedom violations in the EU and candidate countries from January to December 2022. It addresses in particular four major developments: the war in Ukraine; the abuse of legal actions to silence legitimate public journalism; the rise in online attacks and environmental reporting.

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2021 - Reports

The 2021 monitoring report for the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) summarises media freedom violations across EU Member States, candidate countries, and the United Kingdom from January until December 2021. The report is divided in 4 main sections which offer quantitative and qualitative analysis of the main attacks perpetrated against media workers during the year

Women in newsrooms: perspectives on equity, diversity and resilience - Reports

Looking at the Western Balkans, this report highlights the trends, opportunities and obstacles, identified through the sharing of experiences and perspectives by women working in the media, to paint a more nuanced and complex picture of women’s role in newsrooms, news-making and regional societies more broadly

OSCE South East Europe Media Conference (SEEMC) “Journalism in times of crisis” - Reports

The two-day conference was held in a hybrid format in Tirana on 11-12 October 2021, and was co-organized by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) and the OSCE Presence in Albania, with the support of other OSCE field operations in the region

Mapping Fake News and Disinformation in the Western Balkans and Identifying Ways to Effectively Counter Them - Reports

A study requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, concluding that the European Union should focus on the role that it can play in bolstering the quality of democracy and governance in the Western Balkans, as the most powerful potential bulwark against disinformation

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020