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Press freedom in Italy: those in power are not to be criticised - Article

In 2021, then opposition leader Giorgia Meloni sued Roberto Saviano for defamation. Last October, the Rome Criminal Court issued a sentence against the Italian writer. A ruling that alarmed Italian and European civil society. We had a conversation about it with Antonio Nobile, Saviano's lawyer

By Sielke Kelner 

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

North Macedonia: Ruling against Investigative Reporting Lab and its editor must be overturned - Article

MFRR and SJN express dismay at judge's decision recommending that ministry shuts down one of the country’s leading investigative journalism platforms

Also available in ITA

France: one defamation action dropped, but the threat remains - Article

The MFRR welcomes the dropping of the defamation action against Inès Léraud but vexatious legal threats continue to threaten media freedom across Europe

Malta: Renewed call for justice 1,000 days after the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia - Article

Together with other media freedom and human rights organisations, OBCT again demands justice for all those involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was also a victim of several SLAPPs. Here the text of the call

The Media Freedom Rapid Response supports Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland who has received over 55 threats of legal action - Article

A contribution of €15,000 has been granted to respond to the unprecedented legal threats  made against Polish newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza to support the outlet’s legal defence. The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a mechanism to monitor and respond to threats against journalists and media workers in EU Member States and Candidate Countries, is a concrete support against SLAPPs

SLAPPs’ 5 W’s: a background of the Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Legal Resources

Following the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a group of European MEPs is calling on the EU Commission to promote an anti-SLAPP EU directive, to counter the attempts at silencing investigative journalism. A backgrounder on the use of the acronym “SLAPP”.

Vexatious cases hindering investigative journalism in Italy - Legal Resources

Frivolous legal cases against investigative journalists are often deployed as a strategy to silence them, ultimately seeking to hinder their work. A legal analysis on three cases involving defamation charges against Italian journalist Amalia De Simone