Search data 17journalism

Search for "data 17journalism" returned 4 matches

What is Data Exploitation? - HTML5 video

A short video by Privacy International explaining the risks of data exploitation and what we need to do about it.

The way press freedom influences a society's perception of reality | Vesselin Dimitrov | TEDxAUBG - HTML5 video

Vesselin Dimitrov, journalist and media consultant from Bulgaria, gives a TEDx Talk in which he explains the media landscape in Bulgaria, its problems and how citizens can support media freedom and quality journalism

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2017 - HTML5 video

This video highlights some of the key facts and figures from the 2017 Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in under two minutes

Soft censorship as a threat to journalism in Montenegro - HTML5 video

Daliborka Uljarevic, Executive Director of Center for Civic Education (CGO), speaks for SEE Media Observatory about the media and soft censorship in Montenegro. In Montenegro, soft censorship is exercised primarily through politicised, discretionary and non-transparent distribution of public money and subsidies to media