Search ethics_of_journalism

Search for "ethics_of_journalism" returned 6 matches

Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries - Reports

A study on the way the media in 6 South-eastern European countries have reported on recent socio-political crises

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans: The Need for a New paradigm - Reports

Public Service Broadcasters (PSB) in the countries of the Western Balkans are in crisis. At stake is the very legitimacy of public service broadcasting in the region.

Representation of minorities in the new media - Reports

A study published by Media Observatory presents a content analysis of coverage of minorities by prominent online media outlets in four Balkan countries

Croatia: IREX Media Sustainability Index 2015 - Reports

IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time, with a specific focus on economic sustainability, quality of journalism and management practices 

Building a safety net for European journalists - Reports

Needs and problems experienced by journalists in 11 European countries are the focus of these report curated by Eugenia Siapera 

Journalistic education in South East Europe - Reports

The role of journalists has dramatically changed in the last 20 years demanding adequate shifts also in the field of journalistic education, and more so in the countries confronted with democratic transition