Search freedom_of_the_press

Search for "freedom_of_the_press" returned 6 matches

Commercial pressures in Spanish newsrooms - Academic Sources

A study based on 50 interviews with Spanish journalists examines how they respond to commercial pressure from newspapers’ advertisers

Fighting Fakes - the Nordic Way - Reports

Report published by the Nordic Council of Ministers reflecting on the expert opinions on how quality journalism, media and information literacy, ethical standards and self-regulation can be used for countering the disinformation 

Information Not Found: The “Right to Be Forgotten” as an Emerging Threat to Media Freedom in the Digital Age - Reports

An overview of legislation patterns and suggestions to solve the dilemma between freedom of information and the right to be forgotten

Self-regulation and “hate speech” on social media platforms - Reports

An Article 19 proposal on how to protect freedom of expression and human rights in digital environments

Protection of journalistic sources is a basic condition for press freedom - Legal Resources

The new judgment Becker v. Norway by the European Court of Human Rights strengthens the protection of journalistic sources

Italy: a case endangering journalists’ rights to report and protect their sources - Legal Resources

An analysis of the background and context of the on-going case involving Italian journalists Davide Vecchi and Augusto Mattioli, who are writing about the bankruptcy scandal of an historical Italian bank