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Search for "hate campaign" returned 21 matches

Open letter to Mr. Albin Kurti, President of Vetevendosje Movement and Prime Minister of Kosovo - Article

The undersigned media freedom organisations express concern about the decision of the Vetevendosje party to boycott some mainstream TV channels during the election period in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Albin Kurti

France: Media freedom coalition condemns Vivendi’s disinformation campaign against Reporters Without Borders - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners strongly condemn the cyber disinformation campaign against the press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

The EU must prioritise media freedom and human rights in Türkiye - Article

Call on the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to strengthen their commitment in their relations with Türkiye

Serbia: media independence is an exception rather than the rule - Article

Increasing political and financial pressure threatens the independence and editorial autonomy of many media outlets in Serbia. We interviewed Irina Milutinović, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade and co-author of the Country Report on Serbia of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2023

By Serena Epis

Originally published on OBCT , also available in ITA

Report on media freedom in Romania ahead of Super Election Year - Article

Mission report highlights political influence, vexatious lawsuits and online harassment in Romania

Georgia: MFRR partners denounce smear campaign against journalist by speaker of the Parliament - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today express concern at the discrediting of a prominent Georgian journalist by Shalva Papuashvili, Speaker of the Georgian Parliament. The comments come amid a broader wave of smear campaigns against independent media in Georgia by Papuashvili and others

Safeguarding women journalists in the digital age - Article

On International Women’s Day, MFRR coalition partners publish a critical examination of attacks against women journalists in the European Union and candidate countries

Turkey: International groups condemn arrest of journalist Tolga Şardan - Article

We call upon the authorities to immediately release Tolga Şardan

Also available in ITA

Turkey: Annual international press freedom mission - Article

Between 2 and 5 October 2023, OBCT and other four international media freedom organisations will conduct an annual joint press freedom mission to Ankara, Diyarbakır and Istanbul. The mission will focus on the state of media freedom, the challenges experienced by journalists, media workers and the media landscape in general in the aftermath of devastating earthquakes, and the parliamentary and presidential elections this year

Originally published by OBCT . Also available in ITA

Croatia, the new media bill is dangerous - Article

“I don't know who wrote this bill, but I suspect that the main intention was to divide the Croatian media, creating havoc in the sector”, said Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND). We met him in Zagreb

By Giovanni Vale

Originally pubblished by OBCT. Also available in ITA and BHS