Search hate campaign

Search for "hate campaign" returned 4 matches

Media in the Western Balkans: who controls the past controls the future - Academic Sources

Media are essential to democracy, acting as watchdog to power and providing citizens with information for informed decision-making. Yet, media freedom is increasingly compromised in the Western Balkans, undermining democratic principles

Media Independence through Routine Press-State Relations - Academic Sources

A case study of media independence and press-state relationship based on coverage of migration in the United Kingdom

Is the EU Disinformation Review Compliant with EU Law? - Academic Sources

A complaint to the European Ombudsman about EU vs Disinfo

Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing - Academic Sources

The study analyzes misinformation, disinformation, and “fake news” using a new theoretical framework and a unique research design integrating survey data and analysis of observed news sharing behaviors on social media in the United Kingdom. The research is designed of combination analysis of news media content, self-reports from relevant groups of social media users, and digital trace data