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WPFD 2024: Media freedom groups sound the alarm over press freedom in Europe - Article

On WPFD, OBCT joins MFRR partners in drawing the attention to the more than 1,000 media freedom violations recorded in past year 

End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists - Article

On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, OBCT joins MFRR partners in remembering those European reporters whose families still await justice for their murders

Also available in ITA

Slavko Curuvija: impunity of the deep state in the case of murdered journalists in Serbia - Article

24 years after the murder of journalist Slavko Curuvija, the perpetrators are still unpunished in Serbia. Although there is finally progress and hopefully the case will be finally solved, impunity remains widespread

By Massimo Moratti

Originally published by OBCT

Tackling Impunity – Lessons from the Public Inquiry into the Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia - Reports

The Tackling Impunity report examines the role of a Public Inquiry in shedding light on the context that resulted in the assassination of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in October 2017

MFRR partners join call for justice for Martin O’Hagan - Article

Twenty years ago today, Sunday World journalist Martin O’Hagan was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland. To this day, no one has been held to account for his brutal murder. The undersigned partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) stand in solidarity with O’Hagan’s family, colleagues and friends as we call for justice in his case

Online Abuse Now Commonplace for Balkan Women Reporters - Reports

Reflecting the global trend, female journalists in the Balkans are more often attacked online than their male colleagues: an investigation with dozens of interviews and comments and an open platform to collect stories of attacks, harassment and threats, reports of a worrying picture where women are also left alone facing intimidation and its psychological impact

#SOFJO campaign for the safety of female journalists online - HTML5 video

In this short video, released on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a collection of stories of threatened female journalists. Impunity and safety of female journalists is a top priority in the fight for freedom of the media

Journalists in jeopardy: Media workers silenced through violence and arrest in 2016 - Reports

In 2016, a total of 1,387 reports of threats, limitations and violations to press freedom were verified by Mapping Media Freedom’s network of correspondents, partners and other sources based in Europe

Getting Away With Murder 2016 - CPJ Global Impunity Index - Reports

CPJ’s 2016 Global Impunity Index exposes impunity for crimes against journalists and the countries in which the phenomenon is more worrying

Macedonia in the digital age – between the rights and responsibilities while communicating on Internet - Reports

An overview of the legal framework, the implementation and the role of the self-regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of online media and communications in Macedonia