Search hate speech

Search for "hate speech" returned 7 matches

Bosnia and Herzegovina: On the Amendments on Criminal Libel in the Legislation of Republika Srpska - Reports

In this legal analysis, ARTICLE 19 assesses the proposed amendments to the Criminal Code of Republika Srpska on re-introducing criminal penalties for defamation, insult, and other similar provisions

Online harassment of journalists: the trolls attack - Reports

This report by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) deals with online mass harassment of journalists by trolls

ECPMF Conference e-book: Introduction, presentations, and conclusions - Reports

A conference report collecting the materials of the conference "Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community" of March 2017

Macedonia in the digital age – between the rights and responsibilities while communicating on Internet - Reports

An overview of the legal framework, the implementation and the role of the self-regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of online media and communications in Macedonia

Greece: Press Freedom and Defamation Laws in a Time of Crisis - Reports

A general overview of the legal provisions related to defamation and insult in Greece and how these affect the work of the media

Freedom House - Slovenia Country report 2015 - Reports

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Slovenia provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments

Freedom of expression and hate speech - Reports

This report offers a comprehensive elaboration on the distinction between freedom of expression and hate speech. By taking into account both key concepts and the legal perspective, it combines a generalist perspective with country-specific elements related to Macedonia