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Search for "human rights" returned 43 matches

The Chilling: recommendations for action responding to online violence against women journalists - Reports

A list of recommendations proposed for consideration by responders to online violence against women journalists at the global level

Greece: Full scale of surveillance on journalists must be unearthed - Article

MFRR partners back calls for the testing of mobile devices belonging to journalists in Greece who suspect they may have been targets of surveillance. The recent scandals require full transparency and accountability, and have underscored deepening concerns about the erosion of media freedom under the New Democracy government

Why the "Greek Watergate" earthquake has only just begun - Article

A digital surveillance scandal targeting PASOK-KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis and investigative journalist Thanasis Koukakis, via Predator spyware. The so-called "Greek Watergate" is shaking the Mitsotakis government

by Alessio Giussani

Freedom on the Net 2021 - Reports

The yearly report by Freedom House confirms that the global internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year

Women journalists and media workers: MFRR submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur - Article

Across Europe, online and offline verbal abuse, threats and harassment disproportionately affect women journalists and media workers. This submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression to inform her thematic report on gender justice considers barriers, challenges and threats that women journalists and media workers face in the exercise of their profession

Civil Rights Defenders - Support Centres

A support centre that partners with and supports human rights defenders who work in some of the world’s most repressive regions on four continents.

Through advocacy, litigation, and public campaigns, CRD advance people’s rights globally and also act as Sweden’s watchdog civil rights group.

Among the support activities, there are security training, emergency support, expertise, organisational development, and long-term financial support.

Civil Rights Defenders - Stakeholders

An Expert Organisation for Human Rights. CRD partners with and supports human rights defenders who work in some of the world’s most repressive regions on four continents.

Through advocacy, litigation, and public campaigns, CRD advances people’s rights globally. The organisation also acts as Sweden’s watchdog civil rights group.

Every year, CRD has The Civil Rights Defender of the Year Award, an award for outstanding work in defence of civil and political rights, to recognise a prominent human rights defender who, despite the risk to their own safety, continues the struggle for civil and political rights.
The award highlights the situation of human rights defenders at risk. It enhances their human rights work by providing international recognition and support to the organisation represented by the award recipient. The award recipient is a person who carries out their work without the use of violence and within an independent human rights organisation or network.

Among the support activities, there are security training, emergency support, expertise, organisational development, and long-term financial support.

CRD also brings together its partners so they can exchange experiences, as well as learn from and inspire each other.

PANDEMIC FOR DIGITAL RIGHTS. Central and Southeast Europe - Reports

The digital rights monitoring that SHARE Foundation has been running since 2014 expanded and included the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) to keep track of incidents in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Romania. This monitoring report covers the period from 31 January to 30 September 2020

Digital Security Guides - Manuals

Reporters Without Borders' Helpdesk for Digital Security provides information about digital security for journalists

Digital security do's and don'ts for journalists - Manuals

During IJNet’s webinar on digital security, Rajan Kapoor , director of security at Dropbox , and Sérgio Spagnuolo , former ICFJ former TruthBuzz Fellow and head of data journalism agency and consultancy Volt Data Lab , shared tips and tools that journalists can use to protect themselves, their data and their story