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Search for "human_rights" returned 111 matches

Türkiye: reverse a critically hostile environment - Reports

The country increasingly turning into a hostile environment for freedom of expression and for journalists, human rights defenders and civil society

Open SLAPP Cases in 2022 and 2023 - The Incidence of Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and Regulatory Responses in the European Union - Reports

This research, commissioned by the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament, aims to analyze SLAPP cases and threats initiated between 2022 and 2023

Communication on Defence of Democracy - Reports

With this Communication the European Commission introduces the Defence of Democracy Package through which it intends to proactively uphold its democratic values and freedoms 

Serbia 2023 Report - Reports

Each year the European Commission monitors the progress of candidate countries in their reform process aimed at the EU accession. As part of the annual progress report, the EC assesses the developments in relation to freedom of expression and media pluralism and independence

Media Pluralism Monitor 2023 - Reports

The report analyses the risks and gives recommendations regarding media pluralism in the 27 Member States of the EU and in 5 candidate countries for 2022

The Predator Files: Caught in the Net - Reports

This report is the result of Amnesty International’s Security Lab collaboration with EIC, a partnership of European media organizations, as a technical partner.

For a transnational anti-SLAPP network: countering gags on public participation - Reports

On October 16, 2023, the first public event of CASE Italia dedicated to countering SLAPPs took place in Rome. Speakers included journalists, activists, experts in the field, and representatives of a range of organisations advocating for freedom of expression

Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial Intelligence - Reports

The 13th edition of Freedom on the Net is an annual study of human rights online by Freedom House

PEGA Committee final report - Reports

The conclusive report of the PEGA Committee from the European Parliamenton the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware in the EU

Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index - Narrative Report North Macedonia 2022 - Reports

“Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index Narrative Report North Macedonia 2022” is a publication by Safeyournalists network. The scope of this document is to analyse the ongoing situation in the country with respect to legal environment, prevention of attacks, regularity of judicial processes which have an impact on the safety of journalists