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Search for "impunity" returned 4 matches

SafeJournalists network, MFRR partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn continuing pressures and attacks on journalists in Serbia - Article

The SafeJournalists network, Media Freedom Rapid Response partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn the growing pressure on Serbian journalists, recently exemplified by a physical attack on journalist Vuk Cvijić, and the demand for prison sentences for the journalists of the media outlets KRIK and Pištaljka. We call on the authorities to prioritise addressing the rise in attacks against the press and to genuinely commit to improving the safety of journalists

SafeJournalists and MFRR Condemn Two Decades of Impunity in Case of murder of Duško Jovanović - Article

On the 20th anniversary of the murder of Montenegrin journalist Duško Jovanović, OBCT joins partners in the SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response in calling for stronger action from the authorities

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia - Article

Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for Ćuruvija’s murder

North Macedonia: International press freedom mission finds fragile progress in need of further support - Article

This week OBCT joined MFRR partners in a fact-finding mission to North Macedonia organised by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. While the coalition recognises an improvement in media workers' working conditions, it also warns that the landscape of journalism in the country remains fragile