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Search for "investigative journalism" returned 23 matches

Defunding disinformation in the Balkans - How International Brands Support Russia’s Agenda - Reports

Defunding disinformation in the Balkans - How International Brands Support Russia’s Agenda is a report produced by the Balkan Free Media Initiative (BFMI) and the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)

Media Capture in Bulgaria: Hidden Alliances and Vested Interests - Reports

Third report as part of IPI’s campaign on media capture: a new report on media freedom and independence in Bulgaria. The report explores the capture of media by vested business and political interests and the corrupting relationship between media owners and politicians as they compete for power and profit

Journalism without a Mask. 2020 Annual Survey of Media Freedom in Bulgaria - Reports

This is the fifth edition of the perception survey conducted online by the Association of European Journalists (AEJ) Bulgaria

Building Trust in Journalism - Bulgaria - Reports

Part of the ‘Building Trust in Journalism in CEE’ project, this report provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities that media are facing in Bulgaria

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2019 - Reports

The report aims at understanding how news is being consumed across the world. This year’s focus is on people’s trust in media and their willingness to pay for news, private messaging applications and groups, misinformation, and habits of younger people

Bulgaria: media ownership in a “captured state” - Reports

A report on the fact-finding mission by ECPMF and OBCT on Bulgaria’s media ownership structures and their implications for media freedom

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 - Reports

This study explores the ways news is being consumed in a range of countries. This year's report focuses on the issues of trust and misinformation, media literacy, new online business models, the impact of changing Facebook algorithms and the rise of new platforms and messaging apps

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Bulgaria 2017: State of Journalism and Freedom of Speech - Reports

The annual report by the Association of European Journalists highlights that the "culture of pressure" in Bulgarian media is on the rise

Bulgaria: Union of Publishers' Media Freedom White Paper - Reports

The Media Freedom White Paper is a project of the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB). The report presents the situation of the Bulgarian Media, providing reasons for the steady deterioration of its pluralism and freedom in the last 10 years.