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Search for "italy" returned 9 matches

MFRR to conduct an urgent mission to Italy amid worsening state of media freedom - Article

The growing pressure on press freedom in Italy has prompted the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium to organize an urgent mission to Rome on May 16 and 17. The unprecedented political interference in the public service media, the increasing cases of vexatious lawsuits against journalists, and the possible sale of the AGI news agency will be the focus of the two-day visit. Meetings will be held with institutional stakeholders, journalists, trade unions and civil society

Also available in ITA

A series of Thematic Directories. WOMEN JOURNALISTS - Article

Another issue of our guides to the database of the Resource Centre, to help users navigate and understand what is available and where to find it. This directory is based on OBCT research about women journalists and their special needs for support, and gives an orientation among EU measures and support centres run by ngos. Also available as a pdf

Curated by Maria Francesca Rita

Who is afraid of journalists? The MFRR Italy Mission Report - Article

The collection of findings and recommendations by the partners of the MFRR, in a booklet curated by OBCT.

Following the MFRR Italy Mission from 4 to 6 April, coordinated by OBCT, the conclusions about SLAPP, defamation and safety of journalists are published here

Italy: wiretapping of journalists reporting on migration must be investigated - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response and partner organisations welcome the launch of an investigation into the wiretapping of journalists and their sources in Sicily. However, a robust, swift and systematic investigation will be essential for rebuilding trust and ensuring that all journalists, sources and legal professionals in Italy are protected

Scholars at Risk: the first event - Article

On 15 October at 5 pm, a discussion about academics and freedom of expression with three women engaged in research and risking their life

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) - Stakeholders

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI), is an association of investigative journalists based in Italy whom are experimenting new approaches, production and distribution models of investigative journalism. IRPI is the first of its kind in Italy and it favours topics such as the public spending, organised crime, environmental impoverishment, corporate policiesthat lead to illegal profits or social injustice, investigating stories through a transnational angle. It also provides the first Italian platform for whistleblowers .

As stated in its manifest, the association addresses a globalised citizenship through international media. IRPI has established itself as an independent organisation and it carries out its investigations thanks to funds raised through a mix of donations from foundation and grants for journalists.

Carta di Roma - Stakeholders

The Association Carta di Roma  has been founded in December 2011 in Italy with the goal of implementing the Journalist’s Code of Conduct on immigration, signed by the National Council of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) in June 2008.

Carta di Roma seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues: journalists, media operators, as well as various institutions, associations and activists involved in promoting and supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, minorities and migrants in the field of media reporting.

The Association's main activities aim to promote respect and guarantee of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or minorities, and consist of training activities for media operators; research and monitoring; organisation of discussions and seminars; initiatives and public events aimed to encourage the correct and responsible reporting about immigration, minorities or the right to seek asylum.

Ossigeno per l'Informazione - Stakeholders

Ossigeno per l’Informazione is a monitoring organization focusing on threatened journalists and news overshadowed by violence in Italy. Ossigeno was established in 2008 by the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) and the Italian Journalists' Order (ODG) together with Libera Informazione, Unione Nazionale Cronisti Italiani and Articolo 21.

Ossigeno aims to document all the Italian cases of violent or abusive limitations on freedom of expression against journalists, writers, intellectuals, politicians, trade unionists, public officials and other citizens, paying special attention to the effects of criminal organisations. The Observatory performs continuous monitoring of threatened journalists, presenting their stories online and through annual reports published in different languages.

Ossigeno also provides pratical support for journalists and media practitioners under threat.

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) - Stakeholders

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) is a think tank launched in 2000 and based in Trento (Italy). It focuses on South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. Over time, OBCT expanded its scope and now reports on the socio-political and cultural developments of six EU member states, of seven countries taking part in the EU Enlargement process, and much of post-communist Europe, which is included in the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). 

In 2014, OBCT led the project Safety Net for European Journalists and since 2015 it is part of the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ).