Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 3 matches

Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation - Stakeholders

The Foundation works to ensure justice for Daphne's assassination and to continue her fight for press freedom and liberal democracy and against populism, corruption and impunity in Malta and internationally.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Stakeholders

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation based in Germany, acting as a think-tank and consulting agency. Its overall aim is to support the consolidationof democracy, the unification of Europe and the strengthening of transatlantic relations, as well as of development cooperation.

KAS Media Program South East Europe was established to strengthen the role of the media in the course of democratization and transformation - through advanced training, consultancy, dialogue and network building.

KAS BalkanMedia online platform presenting content of regional networks that are encouraging media freedom and diversity in South East Europe, as well as modern and transparent political communication.

World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers - Stakeholders

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) is the global organisation of the world’s press and oversees initiatives to ensure that the press’ essential role in society is understood and respected. The centre, other than being partner of newspapers worlwide, organizes conferences, trainings, seminars and research reports. The association's first objective is the defence and promotion of press freedom through promoting the economic independence of newspapers.