Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 23 matches

ECPMF, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom - Stakeholders

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Leipzig, Germany, 2015.

It operates on the basis of  the European Charter on Freedom of the Press and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

ECPMF’s mission is to promote, preserve and defend media freedom, by monitoring violations, providing practical support and engaging diverse stakeholders across Europe.

ECPMF is the project coordinator of the MFRR, Media Freedom Rapid Response.

Vita Activa - Stakeholders

Vita Activa works as a helpline and a solutions laboratory for women journalists, activists and women’s rights defenders who are facing online violence and want to change the ways they face and combat perpetrators and attacks. Responders trained in psychological first aid, conflict resolution and strategic thinking work with women journalists who have faced harassment to build solutions tailored to their cases.

Vita Activa also provides practical support for women and LGBTIQ+ journalists, activists and gender, land and labor rights, and freedom of expression defenders.

Digital Women Leaders - Stakeholders

Digital Women Leaders is for women and non-gender binary people working in news who are looking for advice from someone who understands their experience. Trying to survive motherhood and a leadership role? Feeling isolated from higher-ups? Want to talk to someone else who knows what it's like to be the minority in the room? Digital Women Leaders facilitate conversations with knowledgeable, understanding mentors who might otherwise be hard to find.

Prenons la Une - Stakeholders

Prenons la Une is an association of women journalists advocating for fair representation of women in the media and professional equality in newsrooms. The network provides support to women facing discrimination and harassment. The association provides training for women journalists and journalism students, offers legal support to journalists victims of harassment inside their newsrooms and organises events. It also realises investigations for a better representation of women in the media.

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) - Stakeholders

Free Press Unlimited is a foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which supports local journalists in war zones and conflict areas in over 43 countries.

The organization also provides practical support for journalists and media practitioners under threat.

Association of European Journalists Bulgaria (AEJ Bulgaria) - Stakeholders

The Association of European Journalists Bulgaria (AEJ Bulgaria) is a non governmental legal entity founded in 2010 to defend ethical standards in journalism and to enhance the development of quality journalism in Bulgaria. To achieve its goals, the association provides educational opportunities, organizes meetings and produces publications.

Mediacentar Sarajevo - Stakeholders

Mediacentar Sarajevo supports the development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Over time, activities have been expanded to include:

  • training programmes;
  • publishing;
  • media research;
  • PR training and consulting services;
  • AV production;
  • event management;

 An integral part of Mediacentar is Infobiro , an archive of print media from B-H and the former Yugoslavia and a library containing literature on mass media. Mediacentar also publish a regional journal on culture and literature called Sarajevske Sveske (Sarajevo Notebooks) . Mediacentar was founded by Open Society Fund of B-H in 1995 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2000 it was registered as a separate education and research institution owned by Open Society Fund of B-H.

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) - Stakeholders

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24)  - BAĞIMSIZ GAZETECİLİK PLATFORMU is a civil society organization founded by members of the Turkish press whose objective is to support media integrity in Turkey by providing trainings, assistance and funding opportunities for young professionals. 

Mass Media Defence Centre - Stakeholders

The Mass Media Defence Centre is an NGO working in the field of media rights protection and the promotion of freedom of expression standards in Russia. Its primary purpose is to protect the rights of media outlets and provides practical support for journalists.

The MMDC is part of the Media Legal Defence Initiative network. The MMDC Director Galina Arapova is a member of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). 

Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans - Stakeholders

The Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in Western Balkans is a network of journalists' associations and media trade unions established in January 2016. The Platform has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and functions as an early warning and prevention mechanism, monitoring attacks against journalists. It provides an accessible way to report violations and to search through six regional centers' databases of attacks.

Participating organizations are: BH Novinari for Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatian Association of Journalists (HND) for Croatia, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, NUNS for Serbia and ZNM for Macedonia.