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Search for "media literacy" returned 2 matches

Media concentration in Albania Friday 23 March 2018 - Infographic


Despite its many shortcomings, for many years researchers perceived the Albanian media as vigorous and fairly diverse – mainly due to the large number of outlets competing in a small market. However ... Media_ownership Media_pluralism Albania ... In March 14, 2018 Reporters Without Borders and BIRN Albania presented the Media Ownership Monitor (MOM) of Albania. The research found that in the Albanian market audience and revenues remain ... Media concentration in Albania

European Western Balkans: 2015 World Press Freedom Index Thursday 10 December 2015 - Infographic


Media_freedom Croatia Serbia Bosnia Herzegovina Montenegro North Macedonia Albania Kosovo ... Based on the World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the think-tank European Western Balkans has developed this infographic comparing media freedom rankings in the Western