Search middle_east

Search for "middle_east" returned 10 matches

Bosnia and Herzegovina: authorities must urgently break the deadlock facing public broadcasters and solve the financial problems - Article

Following the temporary interruption of the TV and radio programmes of the RTV Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 8 May 2024, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners denounce irresponsible political management, which directly violates citizens’ right to freedom of information.

Coalition calls for effective implementation as the Parliament adopts the EMFA - Article

OBCT, as part of the EU Media Advocacy Working Group, welcomes the adoption of the European Media Freedom Act by the European Parliament and calls for an effective implementation of the new regulation

Turkey: International groups condemn arrest of journalist Tolga Şardan - Article

We call upon the authorities to immediately release Tolga Şardan

Also available in ITA

Media Freedom on the Line as Turkey Approaches Elections - Article

OBCT joins media organizations and journalists in demanding politicians commit to end media oppression

Public letter responding to the CULT draft report on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) - Article

Media Freedom Groups troubled with the CULT report on the EMFA proposal

Poland: Media freedom groups urge President Duda to veto ‘Lex-TVN’ - Article

We signed a letter to President Duda urging him to apply a presidential veto to the so-called "Lex-TVN". The bill is not a principled and proportionate effort to protect the Polish information landscape, but a way to undermine one particular outlet that is part of a wider effort to “repolonise” the media

Turkey: Concern over proposals to introduce new regulation of “fake” and “foreign-funded” news - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement condemning the proposal to introduce a new regulation of "fake" and "foreign-funded" news in Turkey. If approved, these measures will further undermine media freedom and pluralism in the country

Slovenian government eroding media freedom as it takes over EU Presidency - Article

As  Slovenia will assume the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union on July 1, MFRR partners, press freedom organisations and journalism groups release a new report about press freedom deteriorating in the country under Janša Government

EU must act on Hungary media market distortion - Article

A coalition of 16 press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists‘ organisations have urged EU Competition Commissioner Margarethe Vestager to act on complaints that the Hungarian government has violated EU state aid rules to undermine media pluralism

Media freedom in Bulgaria - Article

The fourth of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. The text has been kindly proof-read by Dr. Lada Price from Sheffield Hallam University - CFOM and AEJ - Bulgaria