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Search for "middle_east" returned 4 matches

Open letter: “We refuse to let the anti-SLAPP directive be a missed opportunity” - Article

OBCT joins international organisations in calling for robust anti-SLAPP Directive

Also available in ITA

EU must act on Hungary media market distortion - Article

A coalition of 16 press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists‘ organisations have urged EU Competition Commissioner Margarethe Vestager to act on complaints that the Hungarian government has violated EU state aid rules to undermine media pluralism

Safety of Journalists: Recommendations to the UK Government - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) outlines examples of good practice from across EU Member States and Candidate caountries that can be incorporated into the approach of the UK National Committee and Action Paln for the Safety of Journalists. Here the full text

Wiki4MediaFreedom explained in 10 points - Article

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points