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Search for "online news online media" returned 3 matches

Romania: MFRR to conduct media freedom mission ahead of super electoral year - Article

On 22-25 January, OBCT and IPI - as part of MFRR - will conduct an on-line fact-finding mission to assess the current state of media freedom in the country 

Media freedom groups demand renewed investigation into crimes against Romanian Journalist - Article

In an open letter to the Romanian General Prosecutor OBCT joins journalists and media freedom organisations in condemning the negligent and error-strewn investigation into the crimes committed against journalist Emilia Șercan

Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space - Article

OBC Transeuropa, in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris, France - Italy and with the support of Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana and Consiglio Nazionale Ordine dei giornalisti is organising an international conference dedicated to the rule of law, media freedom, and democracy. The event will take place on the 17th of October 2023 at the premises of the Association of Foreign Press in Italy, Rome.