Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 31 matches

Disputes over access - A Study on Journalists’ Practices and Freedom of Information Policies in the Baltics - Reports

Despite their high rankings in the World Press Freedom Index, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania face notable deficiencies in freedom of information. Supported by RSF, Balticada Investigations Studio conducted a study on the challenges that media professionals face when trying to access public data in the region

The State of Democracy in 2021 - Reports

The report monitors ten issues that are essential for evaluating the state of democracy and rule of law in a country. Among them, it analyses access to information of public interest, public media funding, threats and harassment against journalists and activists, freedom of association and of assembly in Romania

Safety of Journalists and the Fighting of Corruption in the EU - Reports

A study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) examines the chilling effect of crimes and threats against media workers, exploring regulatory and other measures to counter the phenomenon

Feindbild Journalist - Reports

Feindbild Journalist by ECPMF reports on the physical attacks journalists faced in Germany in 2018. It also compares the results with the analyses carried out in the previous years

World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2017-2018 - Reports

A global report by UNESCO analyses the key trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and the safety of journalists at the global and regional level

Journalism and media privilege - Reports

An overview of the most recent rules, case law, and policies across Europe on the privileges given to journalists when exercising their functions

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

“News you don’t believe”: Audience perspectives on fake news - Reports

While a narrow definition of the term “fake news” deals with fabricated news reports, audiences use the same expression in a more broad meaning. RISJ’s Factsheet aims at contributing to the discussion on fake news from the point of view of “ordinary people”

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries - Reports

A study on the way the media in 6 South-eastern European countries have reported on recent socio-political crises