Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 15 matches

Prenons la Une - Stakeholders

Prenons la Une is an association of women journalists advocating for fair representation of women in the media and professional equality in newsrooms. The network provides support to women facing discrimination and harassment. The association provides training for women journalists and journalism students, offers legal support to journalists victims of harassment inside their newsrooms and organises events. It also realises investigations for a better representation of women in the media.

MIDAS - Stakeholders

Founded in 2001, the European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages (MIDAS) stimulates cooperation in the areas of information exchange, printing and marketing within an ever-growing community of minority daily newspapers throughout Europe. MIDAS also provides opportunities such as study visit programmes for journalists to report on minority protection and cultural diversity in Europe; it awards the Otto Von Hasburg Prize and the Midas Prize for Journalism .

Association of European Journalists Bulgaria (AEJ Bulgaria) - Stakeholders

The Association of European Journalists Bulgaria (AEJ Bulgaria) is a non governmental legal entity founded in 2010 to defend ethical standards in journalism and to enhance the development of quality journalism in Bulgaria. To achieve its goals, the association provides educational opportunities, organizes meetings and produces publications.

Union of Cyprus Journalists - Stakeholders

The Union of Cyprus Journalists  was founded in 1960 and has now 560 members comprising "all the professional journalists working in the country" as proudly stated in its webpage.

The Union aims at strengthening the freedom of the press and safeguarding independent journalism. It is an active member of the European Federation of Journalists.

Professional journalists with at least six months service are eligible to join the Union, regardless of ethnic origin, race and religion.

Mediacentar Sarajevo - Stakeholders

Mediacentar Sarajevo supports the development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Over time, activities have been expanded to include:

  • training programmes;
  • publishing;
  • media research;
  • PR training and consulting services;
  • AV production;
  • event management;

 An integral part of Mediacentar is Infobiro , an archive of print media from B-H and the former Yugoslavia and a library containing literature on mass media. Mediacentar also publish a regional journal on culture and literature called Sarajevske Sveske (Sarajevo Notebooks) . Mediacentar was founded by Open Society Fund of B-H in 1995 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2000 it was registered as a separate education and research institution owned by Open Society Fund of B-H.

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) - Stakeholders

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) is a non-political and non-profit journalist association based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Member of the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), it connects journalists, freelance journalists, students and other professionals working in the journalistic sector in order to protect the independency of their activities.

It also offers practical support.

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC)/ Turkish Journalists' Association - Stakeholders

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC), the Turkish Journalists' Association, is Turkey’s largest professional organization in its sector that represents nearly 4,000 journalists. It was founded in 1946. The founders were motivated by the idea that journalists should have an independent professional organization safeguarding the principles of the profession and its members. TGC provides legal assistance to journalists facing courts regardless of whether they are members or not of the association. The TGC publishes a daily newspaper named Bizim Gazete .

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) - Stakeholders

Platform for Independent Journalism (P24)  - BAĞIMSIZ GAZETECİLİK PLATFORMU is a civil society organization founded by members of the Turkish press whose objective is to support media integrity in Turkey by providing trainings, assistance and funding opportunities for young professionals. 

Media Reform Coalition UK - Stakeholders

The Media Reform Coalition was set up in September 2011 to coordinate the most effective contribution by civil society groups, academics and media campaigners to debates over media regulation, ownership and democracy in the UK. Its work moves from the fact that Britain has one of the most concentrated media environments in the world, with 3 companies in control of 71% of national newspaper circulation and 5 companies in command of 81% of local newspaper titles.

The Media Reform Coalition is committed to supporting media pluralism, defending ethical journalism and protecting investigative and local journalism.

Index on Censorship - Stakeholders

Index on Censorship is an international organisation that promotes and defends the right to freedom of expression. Founded in 1972 to publish the untold stories of dissidents behind the Iron Curtain, today Index uses a combination of journalism, campaigning and advocacy to defend freedom of expression for those facing censorship and repression, including journalists, writers, social media users, bloggers, artists, politicians, scientists, academics, activists and citizens.

Index runs several projects on media freedom and provides practical support for journalists and media practitioners under threat.