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Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 26 matches

Protect the Protest. Stopping SLAPP. Defending Dissent - Support Centres

A task force of nonprofit organizations that have long dealt with SLAPP threats (threats coming from strategic lawsuits against public participation).

The organizations of "Protect the Protest" have combined their expertise and collective power to protect the free speech of public interest advocates in the United States.

They declare: "An attack on one is now an attack on all".

The task force includes experienced lawyers, journalists, communications professionals, and activists, in order to stand together as one to expose courtroom bullying, and protect the right to boldly speak the truth.

The approach is threefold:

● Building Resilience to SLAPPs - providing resources and training for civil society organizations, community leaders, journalists, and the broader public on how to best protect themselves from SLAPPs and what to do if they’re targeted. This includes a network of attorneys to defend those facing SLAPPs, especially individuals and small organizations with extremely limited resources.

● Exposing SLAPPs and Those Who File Them - drawing on their own organizations’ campaigning, communications, and legal expertise to support public interest advocates and watchdogs targeted by SLAPPs. This includes campaigning against the biggest SLAPP offenders, as well as legal defense where resources allow.

● Campaigning on Strategic Issues - When a specific SLAPP poses a broader threat to civil society or to democracy, they mobilize their collective resources to protect the rights to free speech and peaceful protest. Likewise, when opportunities arise to advance anti-SLAPP policies or laws, we engage in close collaboration with other stakeholders.

GIJN Help Desk - Support Centres

The Global Investigative Journalism Network, an international association of journalism organizations, offers the access to a network of experts and resources able to help reporters around the world.

The helpdesk integrates hundreds of tip sheets, how-to stories, conference videos, in a sort of library, mirroring the aim of the network which is the training and sharing of information among investigative and data journalists—even in repressive regimes and marginalized communities.

GIJN helpdesk is presented as "a space designed to help investigative journalists around the world".

GIJN Guide: Resources for Women Journalists - Support Centres

Women journalists often face unique challenges while doing their jobs. The Global Investigative Journalism Network GIJN has gathered resources to help our female colleagues around the world find networks, resources and tools to handle issues such as online harassment, workplace discrimination and gender-based violence, as well as easily locate opportunities and support designed specifically for women journalists.

The topics:

Networks (international and regional), Safety, Discrimination & Harassment, Mentors, Grants & Fellowships, Awards, Female Experts, Investigative Journalism

Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) - Support Centres

The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) is a Turkish non-profit (registered as Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği) founded in late 2017.

The main goals of the association, as stated in its website, are:

  • offering legal protection to journalists who are punished for expressing their thoughts
  • promoting the public’s right to information, particularly by supporting good finance and science journalism
  • promoting rights of minority groups, with a concentration on refugees and the LGBTI community.

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression - Support Centres

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) is a Canadian organization founded in 1981 that works to defend and protect the right to free expression in Canada and around the world.

CJFE carries out monitoring, defence and reporting activities on free expression and access to information in Canada and abroad. Rooted in the field of journalism, CJFE promotes a free media as essential to a fair and open society.

CJFE runs a programme called Journalists in distress: securing your digital life , a platform the includes information on how to protect yourself while browsing the web, while using instant messaging and social media, how to secure your passwords and e-mail, and other privacy and security issues. The guide also includes information for getting help from supportive organisations and how to mitigate risks and protect yourself during your search for help. A section is dedicated on precautions to prevent governments, authorities, intelligence or security agents as well as other potential threats to control and easily access your data and devices.

Security without Borders - Support Centres

Security without Borders is a volunteer network of hackers and cyber-security professionals that offers free assistance to organizations, activists and journalists fighting against human rights abuse, racism and other injustices. 

TrollBusters - Support Centres

TrollBusters provides support for women journalists and writers that are targets of online harassment. The TrollBusters' team provides tools and services - such as personal endorsements; just-in-time coaching and reputation repair services - to support victims of online abuse or other troll behavior.

It was founded in New York City on January 30, 2015 by Michelle Ferrier, Associate Professor at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism of the Ohio University and former journalist, who was herself a victim of harassment while working as a columnist for the Daytona Beach News-Journal in Florida.

The Rory Peck Trust - Support Centres

The Rory Peck Trust was established in 1995 in memory of freelance cameraman Rory Peck, who was killed in Moscow in 1993. Based in London, the Trust has grown into an international organisation that provides practical and financial support to independent journalists and their families worldwide.

The Trust assists freelancers in four main ways:

- Assistance grants: they are meant to help professional freelance journalists (and/or their family) who are facing a crisis directly related to their work. The amount of assistance varies according to the particular circumstances of the applicant, but may include medical and rehabilitation costs, subsistence costs, legal advice and relocation costs. More info here.

- Training fund: it enables freelance journalists to gain the essential skills and knowledge needed to work in difficult and potentially dangerous situations. Courses teach them to assess risk and spot danger, handle a crisis, support others and give vital first aid. More info here.

- Safety clinics: they are one-to-one consultations, held both online and in person, for freelance journalists, photographers and videographers. Security advisors provide personal guidance and advice on specific safety and risk assessment issues, assignment planning and digital security free of charge to freelancers at all stages of their career. More info here.

- Freelance resources: they are tailored to the safety, security and professional development needs of freelance journalists. These resources are free and accessible to all freelance journalists. More info here.

Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ) - Support Centres

The IAGJ is a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

Scoop - Support Centres

SCOOP is a network and support structure for investigative journalists in Eastern Europe, Russia, Caucasus, and Central Asia. It provides financial and professional support to investigative journalists. It was founded in 2003 by the Danish Association of Investigative Journalism (FUJ).