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Search for "professional journalism" returned 8 matches

SLAPPs’ 5 W’s: a background of the Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Legal Resources

Following the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, a group of European MEPs is calling on the EU Commission to promote an anti-SLAPP EU directive, to counter the attempts at silencing investigative journalism. A backgrounder on the use of the acronym “SLAPP”.

Vexatious cases hindering investigative journalism in Italy - Legal Resources

Frivolous legal cases against investigative journalists are often deployed as a strategy to silence them, ultimately seeking to hinder their work. A legal analysis on three cases involving defamation charges against Italian journalist Amalia De Simone

Brambilla v. Italy - Legal Resources

In a case involving illegal interception of police communication by three Italian journalists, ECtHR reiterates that Article 10 ECHR sets out limits to the protection afforded to the right to freedom of expression which remains valid even where the press reports on serious questions of general interest

Protection of journalistic sources is a basic condition for press freedom - Legal Resources

The new judgment Becker v. Norway by the European Court of Human Rights strengthens the protection of journalistic sources

Italy: a case endangering journalists’ rights to report and protect their sources - Legal Resources

An analysis of the background and context of the on-going case involving Italian journalists Davide Vecchi and Augusto Mattioli, who are writing about the bankruptcy scandal of an historical Italian bank

Freedom of expression: the crucial role of Strasbourg - Legal Resources

In Strasbourg on March 24th, judges, journalists, lawyers and activists discussed the challenges facing the protection of free expression in Europe

Romania: Investigative journalism law rejected by the Senate - Legal Resources

The Romanian Senate rejected the draft of a law that legislators say intended to fight corruption by rewarding investigative journalists and other whistleblowers. The proposed law called for a special fund that would support people who reported on corruption via the mass media or via complaints to investigating and prosecuting bodies

Resolution on the Ethics of Journalism (CoE) - Legal Resources

A 1993 Resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe exploring different aspects of the ethics of journalism