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Search for "protection_of_sources" returned 15 matches

Reporting surveillance: the experience of Omer Benjakob - Article

Investigative tech reporter Omer Benjakob, member of the desk behind the publication of the cybersecurity focused newsletter NatSec+ for the newspaper Haaretz, speaks to OBCT/MFRR about the challenges of covering the surveillance tech industry in Israel, one of the countries that has developed this industry the most

Preventive wiretaps: a violation of the right of defence? - Article

After the book by former journalist Bisignani and Madron, which talks about 400 politicians and journalists controlled by the services, the alarm came from former MP Marco Cappato, who fears being under surveillance. The government denies, but the debate is about the law that regulates preventive wiretapping rather than the specific case

by Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT , available also in ITA

Murdered, surveilled and sued: decisive action needed to protect journalists and salvage press freedom in Greece - Article

Greek journalism is under sustained threat from the impact of the surveillance scandal “Predatorgate”, the unresolved killing of a reporter, abusive legal action and economic and political pressures. Following a mission to Athens, eight international organisations today call on the Government and Prime Minister to show political courage and urgently take specific measures aimed at improving the climate for independent journalism and salvaging press freedom

Cyprus: Call for thorough investigations into surveillance of Makarios Drousiotis - Article

OBC Transeuropa and other media advocacy organisations sent a letter to the Cypriot authorities, amid the lack of adequate investigations into the alleged surveillance of journalist Makarios Drousiotis.

Surveillance: after Pegasus and Predator, the EU is (slowly) taking action - Article

While the European Parliament's Commission enquires on the various states where surveillance technologies have been commercialised despite the bans, the emphasis remains on civil society and digital security.

Interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli of IrpiMedia

by Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT . Also available in ITA

Wiretapping and trojans: the Nordio bill alarms journalists - Article

For the Italian Press National Federation and trade associations, the crackdown on the dissemination of transcripts is a new attack on freedom of the press and citizens' right to be informed. Even MPs are in turmoil, worried that the "cyber interceptor" – aka trojan - will get out of the hands of its users

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

European Media Freedom Act: the end of source confidentiality? - Article

The new European regulation aims to protect the secrecy of journalistic sources, the key concept at the heart of journalism, but actually risks legitimising its systematic violation

By Dimitri Bettoni

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

Greece: MFRR alarmed by latest revelations of spying on journalists - Article

OBCT joins the undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response in reiterating the call on the Greek authorities to provide transparency and accountability for the severe attacks on press freedom and privacy, and to put an immediate halt to surveillance of journalists 

Greece: Full scale of surveillance on journalists must be unearthed - Article

MFRR partners back calls for the testing of mobile devices belonging to journalists in Greece who suspect they may have been targets of surveillance. The recent scandals require full transparency and accountability, and have underscored deepening concerns about the erosion of media freedom under the New Democracy government

Greece: Letter to government after spyware surveillance of journalist Thanasis Koukakis - Article

The partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response together with other media freedom organisations are concerned about surveillance measures hitting journalists in Greece