Search public_broadcasting

Search for "public_broadcasting" returned 6 matches

Troll Factories: The Internet Research Agency and State-Sponsored Agenda Building - Academic Sources

Darren L. Linvill and Patrick L. Warren (Clemson University) published a working paper about the methods used by the Internet Research Agency, a Russia-sponsored troll group

How the news media activate public expression and influence national agendas - Academic Sources

Media outlets exert a very significant influence on expressed public opinion, a large-scale experiment proves

Junk News and Bots during the German Parliamentary Election: What are German Voters Sharing over Twitter? - Academic Sources

The article studies Twitter data on bot activity and junk news using a set of hashtags related to the 2017 German Parliamentary Election

The spreading of misinformation online - Academic Sources

What is the same and what is different in how conspiracy and scientific news spread online? According to this article, published on PNAS and written by 8 authors based in Italy and the US, for both homogeneity is the primary driver for diffusion, but the cascade dynamics is different.

Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users - Academic Sources

The authors of this paper examined the topical composition “information diet” of Twitter users

Communication, Power and Counter-power in the Network Society - Academic Sources

A landmark analysis by Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells on the relations between media and politics in the frame of new online communication systems