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Search for "research" returned 103 matches

Uncovering news deserts in Europe: Risks and opportunities for local and community media in the EU - Reports

The research is focused on detecting challenges and opportunities for local and community media and identifying "news deserts" in the 27 EU Member States.

Safety of Journalists Behind the Headlines: Threats, Attacks, and Pressure on Journalists in Serbia - Reports

The report shows results from a research project  jointly funded the Council of Europe and European Union, conducted in collaboration with the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS)

Open SLAPP Cases in 2022 and 2023 - The Incidence of Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and Regulatory Responses in the European Union - Reports

This research, commissioned by the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament, aims to analyze SLAPP cases and threats initiated between 2022 and 2023

Civic Intelligence Oversight: Practitioners’ Perspectives in France, Germany, and the UK - Reports

The article explores the forms of civic engagement and oversight holding intelligence agencies to account, counteracting the primacy of security and the secrecy of intelligence, with a focus on journalism and NGOs

Monitoring Media Pluralism in The Digital Era – Country Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Pluralism Monitor is a research tool developed by Center for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF) encompassing EU Member States and Candidate Countries purposed to assess risks to media pluralism by operationalising them into 4 thematic areas: fundamental protection, market plurality, political independence and social inclusiveness

The Chilling: recommendations for action responding to online violence against women journalists - Reports

A list of recommendations proposed for consideration by responders to online violence against women journalists at the global level

The State of State Media 2022 - A global analysis of the editorial independence of state media based on the state media matrix (2022 edition) - Reports

“The State of State Media” is published by the Media and Journalism Research Center. The study analyses the level of independence of public media outlets in all continents

Free to Think 2021. Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project - Reports

The seventh installment of an annual report by Scholars at Risk’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The report analyzes 332 attacks on higher education communities in 65 countries and territories around the world between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021

State of SLAPPs in Spain - Reports

A country report published by Article 19, to describe how journalists and media outlets in Spain are facing multiple lawsuits for exposing corruption, reporting on matters of public concern or covering protests

Threats that Silence: Trends in the Safety of Journalists - Reports

A discussion paper by UNESCO about the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development