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Media in Albania, under the blows of power - Article

The recent angry attack by the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama against a journalist has brought the constant pressure and intimidation that the power in Albania exerts on the media and media professionals back under the spotlight

By  Erion Gjatolli

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Albania: SPAK must respect source protection in case of journalist Elton Qyno - Article

OBCT signs a joint letter together with media freedom partners in the SafeJournalists Network, the Media Freedom Rapid Response, and Reporters Without Borders addressed to the head of the Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) to raise concerns over the recent attempts to reveal the source of Albanian journalist Elton Qyno

Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists - Article

OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the country

Also available in ITA

Albania: Press freedom organisations and journalist associations call for swift justice following deadly attack on Top Channel - Article

OBCT joins MFRR partners in urging Albania’s authorities to pursue the perpetrators who shot dead Pal Kola, Albanian TV station Top channel’s security guard

Albania: MFRR and Safe Journalist Network condemn attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife - Article

OBCT joins its Media Freedom Rapid Response partners and the Safe Journalists Network in condemning the physical attack on Albanian journalist Elvis Hila and his wife, calling for a swift prosecution of those involved in the attack 

Albania: Investigations needed over intimidation of journalists reporting on prosecutor’s vetting - Article

Together with other media freedom and journalists’ organisations, we sent a letter to the Albanian Commissioner for the Right to Access to Information and Personal Data Protection to express our serious concern over the recent private data breaches and intimidation of at least two journalists

Albania: news outlets faced cyber attacks following reports about Mayor of Tirana - Article

Cyber-attacks on news outlets believed to be in relation to their reporting on Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj and the appointment of government loyalist Endri Fuga to lead the Media and Information Agency add to existing challenges for media freedom in Albania. We call for a swift and effective investigation into these attacks and condemn the appointment of Fuga to head the newly established agency

Albania: a letter to the new leaders asking to protect journalists - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) calls on all state bodies in Albania to ensure journalists, media workers and sources are protected and able to work freely

Albania: an explosion in front of a journalist's home - Article

In the middle of the night, on 30 October, explosives detonated at the entrance of Elidon Ndreka's home. International organisations call for quick investigations