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Search for "self-regulation" returned 10 matches

The Predator Files: Caught in the Net - Reports

This report is the result of Amnesty International’s Security Lab collaboration with EIC, a partnership of European media organizations, as a technical partner.

Turkey: Spectre of a Digital Lockdown - Reports

The report led by IPI examines government efforts to increase digital censorship through further control of online information in the build up to the next elections due in 2023. The report is based on the media freedom mission led by IPI in October 2021 which met with journalists, politicians, and the Constitutional Court and draws on IPI’s media monitoring programme conducted under the #FreeTurkeyJournalists campaign

Freedom in the World 2022. The Global Expansion of Authoritarian Rule - Reports

This booklet is a summary of findings for the 2022 edition of Freedom in the World. The complete analysis including narrative reports on all countries and territories can be found at

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Encryption under Threat - Reports

Increasingly, cybersecurity and privacy are undermined in the name of security, for example tackling encryption tools. A report by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs explains why Germany should oppose this trend

Journalists under pressure - Unwarranted interference, fear and self-censorship in Europe - Reports

Interference, surveillance and fear of negative consequences push European journalists towards self-censorship

Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Reports

This study, which covers 121 UNESCO Member States, represents a global benchmarking of journalistic source protection in the Digital Age

Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge - Reports

The Guide “Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge” by Share Foundation assesses the conditions of online media and journalists in the Serbian digital environment

Watchdogs Under Watch: Media in the Age of Cyber Surveillance - Reports

In this report CIMA examines the relation between cyber surveillance and the limits to privacy and freedom of expression, highlighting the delay of legal regulations in this field

Global Survey on Internet Privacy and Freedom of Expression - Reports

The book maps out the issues in the current regulatory landscape of Internet privacy from the viewpoint of freedom of expression