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Liberties Rule of Law Report 2022 - Reports

The Liberties Rule of Law Report 2022 is the third annual report on the state of rule of law in the European Union, presenting country and trend reports on democratic records by civil society organisations across the European Union. Published by the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, it provides information and analysis from the ground of the state of the rule of law in 17 EU countries

The Global Expression Report 2021 - Reports

The Global Expression Report is ARTICLE 19’s most comprehensive, data-based report that tracks freedom of  expression across the world

ARTICLE 19 comments on new Italian regulation on ‘hate speech’ - Reports

Some improvements, but also lack of compliance with the international framework: a mixed judgment by ARTICLE 19 welcomes the new AGCOM Regulation in Italy, while hate speech remains a great concern in the country

Online harassment of journalists: the trolls attack - Reports

This report by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) deals with online mass harassment of journalists by trolls

First Report of the Interdepartmental Group on the Security of Ireland's Electoral Process and Disinformation - Reports

A report by the Irish Government about the security of elections and referendum in relation with disinformation

Macedonia: High Time to Protect Media Freedom - Reports

In a joint mission organized in April 2017 monitored the situation of press freedom and journalists' safety in Macedonia, against the background of a political crisis that worsened what could already be defined as a situation of media captured by political power

Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Reports

This study, which covers 121 UNESCO Member States, represents a global benchmarking of journalistic source protection in the Digital Age

UN: Freedom of Expression Report 2016 - Reports

The annual report by UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression highlights concerning trends in the limitations imposed by Stated on the basis of national security and public order

Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge - Reports

The Guide “Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge” by Share Foundation assesses the conditions of online media and journalists in the Serbian digital environment

Greece's bailout referendum 2015: media coverage and the role of social networks - Reports

An article by a Greek multimedia journalist discusses the media coverage of the critical referendum and the role of social networks in challenging the mainstream narrative