Search transparency bulgaria

Search for "transparency bulgaria" returned 93 matches

Media Landscape in Montenegro - Article

A survey of the challenges faced by media professionals in Montenegro through the lenses of three themes: media capture, legal threats, and the safety of journalists

By Sava Mirković

Italy: MFRR open letter to the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission - Article

MFRR partner organisations sent a letter to President Metsola and President von der Leyen to express serious concerns about the declining media freedom in Italy and bring to their attention the findings of the recent advocacy mission to Rome

Media Capture in the Western Balkans: From captured states to captured media - Reports

The policy brief produced by Southeast European Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI)  provides an analytical insight into the mechanisms behind media capture in the Western Balkans countries, as a phenomenon that negatively affects the media landscape in those countries through impairment of media freedom and pluralism. With the region being on track for EU accession, media capture presents a paramount problem that the brief addresses

Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s democratic drift - Article

Media freedom coalition sounds the alarm on political meddling and legal threats to journalism

Also available in ITA

Croatia, the assault on the local press - Article

2024 is the year of elections for Croatia: European, political and presidential elections will take place between next June and December. And with the electoral competitions, the race for control of the local media, particularly the regional ones, is gaining ground in a hardly transparent way

By Giovanni Vale 

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA and BHS

Media Pluralism Monitor 2023 - Reports

The report analyses the risks and gives recommendations regarding media pluralism in the 27 Member States of the EU and in 5 candidate countries for 2022

Joint Statement on the Proposal for the European Media Freedom Act - Article

We co-signed a statement welcoming the European Commission's commitment to protect journalists and editorial independence within the EU

Media Pluralism Monitor 2022 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a tool developed by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom to assess the risks for media pluralism in 32 European countries (27 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries). In its 2022 edition, it confirms the findings of the previous years

2022 Rule of Law Report - Reports

On 13 July 2022, the European Commission adopted the third Rule of Law Report, which includes 27 country chapters and new recommendations to each Member State

2022 Rule of Law Report: country chapter on the rule of law situation in Romania - Reports

The Rule of Law Report is an annual document produced by the European Commission from 2020. It aims at addressing issues such as the state of the judiciary, freedom of the media, corruption, and other questions which have emerged as crucial for a comprehensive analysis of the state of rule of law across the EU