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Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información (PDLI) - Stakeholders

Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información (PDLI) is a Spanish civil society group uniting journalists, lawyers, media houses, social movements and consumer advocates.

PDLI arouse out of the concern of a group of organisations and individuals in the legal field, journalism and social movements after the deterioration of freedom of expression and information in Spain, following a series of reforms and the approval of new laws, such as the Organic Law Project on the Protection of Citizen Security, the Intellectual Property Law, the Transparency Law.

Among the activities PDLI carries out, there is the monitoring and dissemination of attacks on freedom of expression against journalists and the media, as well as against activists, social movements and citizens. PDLI also support campaign in defense of media freedom and organise training programs for journalists, activists and social movements on how to safely exercise their profession.

PDLI launched, an online tool to collect data on legal threats to freedom of expression.

APADOR-CH - Stakeholders

The Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, established in 1990. 

APADOR-CH’s Mission is to take action for the protection of human rights and the establishment of equilibrium when they are in danger or infringed upon.

APADOR-CH’s strategic objectives include protection of human rights, improvement of legislative framework regarding freedom of expression and the right to free assembly, increasing transparency and good governance and monitoring police abuses.

King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power - Stakeholders

Based in the Policy Institute at King’s College London, the King’s College London’s Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power  explores how news provision, political communication, public discourse, civic engagement and media power are changing in the digital age. It does this through rigorous empirical research, and communication of the findings of this research to inform relevant academic and public policy debates and civic society responses, in order to help promote diversity, fairness, transparency and accountability in media and communication.

The Centre has developed from the foundations of the Media Standards Trust, an independent think tank that has been conducting research on issues of media and public policy since 2006, and has been based at the Policy Institute at King’s since September 2013.

The Centre is advised by a range of senior figures from the media and civil society. 

Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) - Stakeholders

The Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organisation founded by the Danish School of Journalism, USAID/IREX Pro Media and the Macedonian Press Centre in 2001. The Institute has gradually grown into a massive media platform in Macedonia, encompassing into its professional network the bulk of the media outlets in the country. MIM enables free and easy access to media literature, up-to-date resources for professional development and education, media research and analyses as well as opportunities for joint production. The Institute is a founder of the School of Journalism and Public Relations, an educational institution accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science, offering graduate and postgraduate studies in journalism and communication sciences.


MIM is committed to building a democratic society dominated by professional media, transparent and accountable institutions and civil sector which provides the citizens with sufficient and reliable information for making an informed decision on issues relevant to the society.


The mission of the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is to encourage and continuously support the development of professional standards in journalism, media and public communication, aiming to support the improvement of the democratic processes in the Republic Macedonia.

Mérték Media Monitor - Stakeholders

The Mertek Media Monitor is a watchdog organisation and think tank founded in 2011 in Budapest to contribute to the Hungarian and European discourse on freedom of expression and press freedom. Mertek Media Monitor promotes the transparency of media policy decisions, evaluates media policy measures and lays out its own policy proposals.